Wig’s Word of God Today 12-20-2011
I will not ask! I will not tempt the LORD! Isaiah 7:12
Isaiah 7:10-14, Psalm 24 & Luke 1:26-38
It seems many of the world are missing the boat when it comes to understanding that God knows everything you want and need but people still go on asking Him for miracles as believers or wondrous things as a nonbeliever so they become believers. I find many people to be living haphazardly when it comes to giving God everything He asks for pretending the LORD doesn’t care or take notice in the way we conduct ourselves. I believe the LORD brings us back to the same point repeatedly to teach the true lesson of obedience and understanding of how to live for His Will.
This may come from a hollow or judgmental thinking giving way to a loss of living the Truth of God’s Word. God will never lose patience with reminding us by bringing us back to the point over and over again until we finally learn our lesson and succumb to a complete communion with Him. In each step we take, we must recognize God is in control of everything and knows the soul’s obsession before we take action of disappointing Him but allows us to learn from the mistakes we live by the beauty of Free Will. God will never lose patience with us directing us to learn what He wants by our practice, prayer and proclamation. Amen.
By God, His Son and His Spirit we pray to ask only for wisdom and guidance to accomplish Your Will LORD. We pray for every child and parent. We pray for each other- our families and friends. We pray for our leaders and police officers. We pray for Prayer Point. We pray for Tim. We pray for LIFE FM. We pray for the Spirit to accept, bravery in God to change and intelligence of Christ’s Truth to know. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
Romans 8:28
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed“
For He is everything to us the Lord of Hosts- Psalm 24
Nothing here amongst us is ours
The LORD controls all He devours
The earth was made in His loving Way
As seen in the seas and the rivers of today
Only One can stand with Him by His side
His Holy Place is final and no place to hide
A clean hand and heart will surely confide
Nothing in vain will a man of God abide
Blessing He gives to those who live His Word
He is a saving God Who forgives those who heard
The King of Glory shows you His Holy Ghost
For He is everything to us the Lord of Hosts
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins December 20, 2011 @ 5:24 AM EST
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