Wig’s Word of God Today 4-27-2012
I Myself will show him how much he must suffer for My Name. Acts 9:16
For My Flesh is Real Food and My Blood is Real Drink. John 6:55
Acts 9:1-20, Psalm 117 & John 6:52-59
The one who would stop at nothing to kill every living follower of Christ is struck down by God’s Divine Plan to bring God’s Truth to every person he could until the day he breathes his last would suffer for the One and Only Name of Christ Jesus. God has a Way of turning people around and facing the Truth when they least expect it. A murderous Saul turned Paul would be the Heartbeat of God’s Truth throughout all the land to prove even God can forgive the murderous traitors of the world.
Jesus has a Way for you too to become all you can be for His Name in joy, suffering and deed to become a witness until the end of all time. You must allow God to work through you to find His Will in everything you do to accomplish faith, hope and love. Saul turned Paul finds God’s Only Son as the Only Eternal Source of Life to give and to share allowing you even today 2000 years later to find His Way to live for His Purpose. The suffering you will endure will feel like pleasure when you turn your life over to God’s Purpose for you. Amen.
Dear LORD, we pray to suffer for Your Truth allowing Your Word to guide us through each Divine Purpose You have for our lives to live in faith, hope and love. We pray for my children. We pray LORD all petitions are gathered to make the ballot. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
Romans 8:28
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed”
Real Food and Real Drink of God’s Eternal Might- John 6:52-59
The Jews liked to argue
Over the fact of eating Christ
His flesh can’t be eaten
His blood can’t suffice
Jesus gave them an answer
That filled them with pain
Until they stopped and listened
How Eternal Life would be gained
Unless you eat and drink My flesh and blood
You will not have you My life
Whoever eats and drinks my blood
Will be raised by Me to Heaven’s right
Real Food and Real Drink of God’s Eternal Might
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins April 27, 2012 @ 5:15 AM EST
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