Wig’s Word of God Today 1-15-2012
I do not conceal your righteousness within my heart; I speak of your loyalty and your Salvation. I do not hide your mercy or faithfulness from a great assembly. Psalm 40:11
1 Samuel 3:3b-10, 19, Psalm 40, 1 Corinthians 6:13-20 & John 1:35-42
Psalm 40 stipulates the precise mode of thanksgiving: not animal sacrifice but open and enthusiastic proclamation of the Salvation just experienced (when you repent and know Christ as your Savior) by giving thanks acknowledging that being thankful is not purely a human response but is itself a Divine Gift. One of many Old Testament revelations of God’s Only Son. When Jesus Christ was nailed to a Tree, His own Blood covered all sacrifices for sin ever needed by humanity. Our job is to enthusiastically embrace the Salvation offered to us by God by the Death of His Son on the Cross of Redemption. We are given explicit instructions in the Bible to be righteous for the Salvation received in Christ’s never-ending Sacrifice for all of humanity. God demands obedience not sacrifice.
We are obedient by proclaiming the Word of God in our thoughts, actions and deeds and we look for ways to live in God’s Will to share the Salvation of Christ Jesus. I often have people ask me why I am so boisterous in the LORD. My reply is because God demands me to live according to His Word and confidently share His desire to love us no matter what we’ve ever experienced by our life living in free will. For too long I lived in my will and not the Will of God. You may ask even why I capitalize Will in using the phrase “Will of God.” I capitalize the “W” of will to emphasize His Truth we experience in living by faith, hope (charity) and love. You cannot hide the mercy or faithfulness from the world as you hid the sin you lived or sin you currently live by masking the Truth of any situation. God demands we are righteous in His Truth for the Salvation message to be heard and acted upon by all for the harmony of mankind. Do you live His Divine Gift?
We pray by God, His Son and His Spirit to never hide Your mercy or faithfulness from anyone we meet. Praying for the Team and Candidates of the Emmaus Retreat at St. Louis. We pray for Pam Bishop. We pray for LIFE FM. I pray for my wife, children, family, and friends. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
Romans 8:28
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed“
Glorify God Shown- 1 Corinthians 6:15-20
You must acknowledge
God’s Divine Gift
Your bodies Truth
Christ’s Eternal Lift
One Spirit formed
LORD Eternally joined
His One Spirit
His Will’s gift
Repent from immortality
Living body outside
Sin person commits
Avoid joy ride
Your body condemned
By sin’s spin
Your Body Holy
Holy Spirit Temple
Given by God
Not your own
Purchased dear price
Glorify God Shown
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins January 15, 2012 @ 5:33 AM EST
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