Wigs Word of God Today 4-17-2013
Enjoy today’s Study in a Podcast at www.cruz-wiggins.com .
We can become sore losers by choice because we lost the past without knowledge.
Now those who had been scattered went about preaching the Word. Acts 8:4
I came down from heaven not to do My own Will but the Will of the One Who sent Me. John 6:38
Acts 8:1-8, Psalm 66 & John 6:35-40
In the midst of confusion and persecution we must continue to preach the Word to those around us be it our daily “shop” people where we make a living or the new ones we encounter in our lines of luxury when eating or shopping but we must remember to keep our family in the Word by a commitment to practice what we preach. I look back on my life and I see with such clarity seemingly better than 20/20 encountering hindsight as if it were under a microscope pushing me to the constant joys I feel living surrendered to the Gospel of Christ Jesus. It’s more than just “that was then this is now” kind of feeling- saved by grace confessing Jesus is LORD and Savior.
Under a microscope I see the mistakes understanding the disgust my family endured around me refusing to mourn any longer proudly displaying my love of God. My mom with her honorable and truthful ways garnered endless love in the midst of ugliness and excess of an alcoholic father who lavished insult, injury and incompetence to celebrate God when his god had become money, gambling and alcohol lost in the excess of evil’s flesh. Sometimes we cry out why forgiveness can’t be celebrated as much as pride receiving displayed persecution that hurts beyond words.
Here, we must continue our love of living for His Word obedient to the Father’s Will in thought, action and deed. We can become sore losers by choice because we lost the past without knowledge or we can embrace the Will of God as the Heaven we live on earth in faith smothered in hope pleasured by preaching the Word. We must in the midst of our scattered running from lust seek the Truth and levitate to the longings of Christ’s Salvation by practice, prayer and preaching. Amen.
We ask in prayer: Dear LORD, we pray today to preach the Word no matter the cost. Prayers for Dr. Cruz-Peluca. Greg Bishop has constant prayers. LORD from Psalm 150:6 I chant-”Let everything that has breath give praise to the LORD! Hallelujah!” In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
I am yours in Christ,
Thomas Cruz†Wiggins
†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed†
Romans 8:28
Righteous in His Sight– In honor of Vince Flick
No mistake here
You cannot fear
Forgiveness to stare
Christ’s Cross to care
Only if we ask
Will Redemption be grasped
No longer their wrongs
Father God we long
Save sinners true
Confession to undo
The haste of life’s waste
By Christ we Pro Create
Fine pearls are nice
The hidden treasure of Christ
God values our life
Share our guilt to make us right
In admission He makes us righteous in His Sight
© Thomas Joe Cruz†Wiggins April 17, 2013 @ 5:25 AM EST
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