Heaven’s seat He took enduring our plight

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Universal Utterings®
for November 29, 2022

Heaven’s seat He took enduring our plight


Gospel of Mark Ch 16 v- 19 thru 20

19 So then the Lord Jesus, after he spoke to them, was taken up into heaven and took his seat at the right hand of God. 20 But they went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the word through accompanying signs.]

Mark doesn’t talk about the sightings of our Lord except to hear Him appear with the eleven scolding their disbelief to implore our great commissioning I spoke of once before that seems to knock at everyone’s door.  Somewhere sometime along your life’s path you ask yourself if God is real and then learn to act. We all want to give back as a matter of fact learning God’s Word sends us forth to practice, pray and proclaim His force in every life testimony be it true or farce God is there watching it all to approve or forgive as we all overcome our farce the need to forgive we learn it’s humanity’s march.

This where we are sent forth as Jesus did describe from east to west sharing the sacred and everlasting proclamation of Eternal Salvation. We believe that anything that life offers us from good health to rare sickness is the Will of God that provokes us to either call on His Son or deny God even exists. God doesn’t force you to believe even though many of us feel that it is impossible to deny what is eye witnessed in His birth and coming, His life of miracles, His scourging as in the Passion of pain He endured and then the hanging of Him on a Tree to allow His human life to be sucked right out of Him and then He does Rise back to life one of the Divine that we learn to live in kind. Amen.

Join me as we pray our daily prayer of forgiveness. I am sorry Lord. I believe You died and rose for me. Please forgive me as I forgive others. I share You as my Lord and Savior seeking to live your Will in all things. Prayers for wife Toni and my mother Betty pray for our children especially our two oldest Alexandra & Allen; Julian, Gabriel and Jeffrey and our grandchildren Oliver, Julian and Elliott. We pray for those we’ve said we’d pray for and those who’ve asked us to pray for them. We pray for the dying as we do each day Lord give them peace in their last breath. Silence for the prayers of others dealing with the war in Ukraine. In the Holy Spirit we pray our brothers in Kairos especially a prayer for our men in blue. We pray for our niece Brittany who is a mother of four and 33 years old who has brain cancer stage four. We pray for Holy Mother Church. We pray for our Holy Mother. In Jesus Precious Blood by His Name we pray. Amen.

I am a poet obedient to Christ,
Evangelist Thomas Cruz†Wiggins

Practice. Pray. Proclaim. ®
†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed†®
Ephesians 6:17-20

11-29-2022 Mark’s Gospel Ch 16 v-1920

**Heaven’s seat He took enduring our plight**

Jesus our Lord God’s Hand Right

Heaven’s seat He took enduring our plight

Everywhere He sought us to preach every day and night

Forth sending signs accompanying us Word His our might

© Thomas Joe Cruz†Wiggins

November 29, 2022 @ 4:43 AM EST

® Universal Utterings is brought to you by;

**† God First Ministries, Inc. is accepted by the IRS as a Religious Charitable Org. and is exempt from Federal Income Tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations made through PayPal using GodFirstforJesus@gmail.com, mailed to 1350 Aldo Rd. Babson Park, FL 33827, or given to GFM are tax deductible. †**

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