Wig’s Word of God Today 11-25-2011
Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will not pass away. Luke 21:33
Daniel 7:2-14 & Luke 21:29-33
Once you begin to become conscious of God in every aspect of your life, you see His miracles in the hardest moments and the joyful of times. Every decision you make is made with God in mind to live in His Word creating calm in the roughest waters of your life. Words that will never pass away from God Who will never pass away. You will learn to imitate His peacefulness, His Wisdom and His Truth by making the Words of Life a part of your every day existence.
As I looked at a telescope picture of our universe this morning, I peered at such vastness of how big God really is. He tells us heaven and earth will pass away but the enormity of His Universe seems to shadow the things of this life to me. We all seem to agree that God is in control and it is He Who judges the actions or beliefs of others. In His Words I find comfort to avoid the sins of the world seeking faith, charity and love. Active in my thoughts, words and deeds for His Glory. Amen.
So we ask in prayer: Dear God, we pray for the strength to guide our lives by Your Words. We pray for our Nation as we seek to live the freedoms our Founding Fathers designed with You in mind LORD. We pray for the children of the world and their parents and teachers. We pray for our Nation and the success of Prayer Point to stop and pray for the USA. We pray for LIFE FM to be God’s voice in South Florida. We pray for Tim Deegan to live: We pray for the Spirit to guide our peacefulness to accept the things we cannot change, bravery in God to change the things we can, and intelligence of Christ’s Truth to know the difference. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
Romans 8:28
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed“
The Truth of God’s Word Will Stay to Forever Hear- Luke 21:29-33
Be it a fig tree or and orange tree
The time will be known in the year
When flower buds will burst open
We all know summer is here
Jesus explained in the same way
You will see things happening to fear
Guided by God to forever live
Knowing the Kingdom of God is near
Not one generation will ever escape
Living in an angelic transition so dear
Humanity’s heaven and earth will pass away
The Truth of God’s Word Will Stay to Forever Hear
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins November 25, 2011 @ 6:03 AM EST
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