He will not brawl or cry out, His voice is not heard in the streets. Matthew 12:19

Categories: Wig's Word of God Today- Scripture Discernment and Poetry

Wig’s Word of God Today 7-21-2012

He will not brawl or cry out, His voice is not heard in the streets. Matthew 12:19

Micah 2:1-5, Psalm 10 & Matthew 12:14-21      

When we read about Christ’s life and His Way of sharing His Truth, we soon discover that Jesus gave His all without even a fight. Spit on. Kicked. Punched and beaten with chains and whips. But still no fighting. Why didn’t God stop them? Why did God allow His Only Begotten Son to be beaten until He was nothing but bloodied and bruised? 

God had given Jesus the strength to endure the pain no other person could endure. He could have walked way that day if He wasn’t destined to die for the sins of the world. Oppps, there’s the reason! He died for the sins of the world and was predestined by the Father to prove He would do ANYTHING to show His love for you and me-for humanity.

Many of us know this feeling as parents but it is our job to share with anyone who isn’t a parent this caring protecting attitude of Truth. In Truth, we must find the ways to practice, pray and preach to the children of the world the Redeeming Power Jesus Christ has for all mankind. In brevity I pray we all come to know His Truth to teach harmony and unity not division. Amen.

Prayer Point: Stop and Pray for the USA was a great success in Hickory, North Carolina yesterday. I had three people stop and pray with me as well as a North Carolina Highway Patrolman put on his lights and siren saluting me at slow drive by yesterday yelling out “God Bless America and You.” The healing prayers of God. Amen.

So we ask in prayer: Dear God, we pray today to find Your strength to be a people of faith, hope and love. We pray a prayer of thanksgiving for healing Julian LORD. We thank all people by prayer and supplication for the prayers of healing for the families in Colorado. We pray for the unemployed and homeless. We pray for the Emmaus weekends here in NC and Miami. IN Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

God Bless His Truth for America,

Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins

Spirit led God inspired Christ fed

Philippians 4:4-7

Rejoice and have peace in Christ Jesus!


Never a bruised reed- Matthew 12:14-21


Why didn’t Jesus fight?

God gave Him delight

Not a reason to be of spite

Destined to be our Eternal Light


Seek His forgiveness

Know how to fight

Living in Truth

Loving what’s right


If only the world can see

He is the Truth to agree

Forgiveness granted for thee

Never a bruised reed


© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins July 21, 2012 @ 6:23 AM EST

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