Wig’s Word of God Today 1-15-2013
Living a consecrated life you too will live in astonishment of His Teaching.
He who consecrates and those who are being consecrated all have one origin. Therefore, he is not ashamed to call them “brothers,” saying: “I will proclaim your name to my brothers, in the midst of the assembly I will praise you.” Hebrews 2:11-12
The people were astonished at His Teaching, for He taught them as one having Authority. Mark 1:22
Hebrews 2:5-12, Psalm 8 & Mark 1:21-28
Sometimes I think our world forgets that Jesus lived a truly human life. Being born in a manger was just the beginning of what He experienced as we do in problems, pains and poverty lasting every moment of His sinless 33 years of living. I’ve heard people say, “you walk the walk and talk the talk” but there’s only one person I will mimic in my life; Jesus Christ. The world has forgotten our King because the world has come too far too fast. The joys of living a life in poverty for Christ’s sake only comes to a handful of souls and is few and far between the need to guide mankind home?
He never stops loving us no matter what we do by denying Him the right to be called our brother. Yes, born as you, suffered as you and died as you will Christ began as you and I to experience all things as you and I do. We must never stop proclaiming His Name even in the midst of strangers but more so in the midst of family and friends. The other day I was sitting in Home Depot garden area enjoying a lawn furniture setting surrounded with orchids and the sounds of seven waterfalls going at once behind me singing “I have a Light.”
The Light was shining in my eyes literally blinding me as His Spirit took me smiling at people as they walked by getting through the verses without a lost word. Here in our midst is Christ’s soothing sounds of Salvation from His Brother in Truth to accomplish His Will. I pray you will all join me in celebrating this amazing Authority of life and live in astonishment of the Father’s Son and Spirit by humming a tune greeting the world in Christ’s Redeeming Name. By living a consecrated life you too will live in astonishment of His Teaching by practice, prayer and proclamation. Amen.
We ask in prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, we pray today we consecrate our lives to Your Teaching living astounded by Your Love. Please pray for Greg Bishop and John Rick Miller. We celebrate Your Will and Authority LORD. Praying for SC & STL Emmaus. Praying for Kairos Prison Ministry. Prayers for Dr. Cruz-Peluca. We can’t escape Your grace LORD. We love You. In Jesus Name we Eternally pray. Amen.
Yours in Christ,
Thomas Cruz†Wiggins
†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed†
Romans 8:28
Proclaiming Name in the open brethren– Hebrews 2:5-12
Angels were not imperiled
Instead testified He herald
Mindful of even a Sparrow
How much more He saves our peril
Crowned with honor and glory
He was more than just a bedtime story
All subjected to nothing ever boring
His Truth forever trampling imploring
Just a little while
Nothing in denial
Life as we go to final
Lower Angels pile
God implored His Amazing grace
Tasting death for everyone not a disgrace
Granting all things exist by His beautiful face
Bring many children to glory from the Cross’ base
Suffering made His Salvation perfect
Consecrated one origin to work with
Both He and us sanctified one origin
Proclaiming Name in the open brethren
© Thomas Joe Cruz†Wiggins January 15, 2013 @ 5:49 AM EST
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