Wig’s Word of God Today 6-21-2012
Give us today our daily bread; lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Matthew 6:11 & 13
Sirach 48:1-14, Psalm 97 & Matthew 6:7-15
I have met many a person who is has obliged their life to live on the streets of America. I always ask them; “What drove you to the streets?” Many of them will say they lost their job or they were unable to stop their drinking or drugging. Sooner or later we all know any type of addiction will get the best of you and the end result is death. But somehow many of these people live for years on the streets seeking comfort from strangers and family alike as their only means of support.
They stand on corners with signs saying “Please Help, I’m hungry. I will work for food.” Some 0f you may think, “Sure buddy, you’ll work for food.” But believe it or not many will work for food or accept a meal of some sort if you just give them a chance to accept your kindness. For some reason I seem drawn to these people because of my past experience of living homeless, carless and jobless. Experiencing the effects of losing your job, your family and your life seems to hang on and hang on to the life of a homeless person but I know when I learned to focus on Jesus, I found the escape God intended for me.
This happened by the encouragement of someone like you and me who takes the time to stop and pray with those who are lost, lonely and confused by life’s demands on the streets of despair. Someone began praying with me and talking to me daily encouraging me to find God’s Plan for my life and this encouragement led me to Trust God with everything my life has to offer becoming a teacher of God’s Children in an elementary school and a current congressional candidate. I find the LORD leads me to these people who are homeless and I normally take the time to stop and talk to them introducing myself and sitting down with them for some polite Christ-like conversation.
I converse with them to let them know people care and want to help by discussing the love of Jesus. It may seem hard but really it isn’t. In my summer travels this week, the LORD led me to a man in New Jersey named Mike. After talking with him for a few minutes, I learned he is a homeless Veteran who has been living on the streets for five years. I excused myself after asking what he needed learning he could use a new shirt and some socks. I went and bought him a T-shirt, socks and some cold Gatorade for him adding a can of Chef Boyardee to the bag and went back to his little corner of despair.
At first his tears of pain weren’t evident but I struck a chord when I asked to hold his hands and pray with him. As we finished, I looked at him with his eyes closed and tears of joy and pain running down his cheek asking, “Please stand and let me hug you goodbye Mike.” He replied, “I can’t, my knee hurts so bad” as he held on to his cane. “But I’ll hug you from here” opening his arms wide with anticipation. I held him as tight as I could feeling his warmth and desire to hold me just as tight in return when I began whispering in his ear, “be encouraged by Christ’s love daily my friend. God loves you.” Can you hug a stranger today in need? I pray my words of encouragement will let God work through you to provide His Daily Bread to someone who also needs a hug and some conversation guiding them away from Satan’s evil. Be not afraid, God is with you always. Amen.
So we ask in prayer: Dear LORD, we pray t0day we can be the arms and feet of Your Son’s kindness, forgiveness and love by providing Your daily bread of hope. We pray for the homeless such as Mike. We pray for an elderly woman named Marie my wife and I met in a restaurant last night. We pray for the NJ Emmaus Team and Candidates. We pray for NC Emmaus Team. We pray for Your guidance LORD in all things. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
Romans 8:28
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed“
His Daily Bread for the Homeless in Dismay- Matthew 6:7-15
God is asking us all to greet
Each day with His smile to meet
A stranger in need to comfort and seek
His Daily Bread for the lonely and weak
God will use you to simply find
The people who are truly blind
Of His Son’s hands and feet of mine
Encouraging all to be eternally kind
God can see all to guide and say
Each day is formed to share the Way
To use Christ’s love for us all to lay
His Daily Bread for the Homeless in Dismay
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins June 21, 2012 @ 7:51 AM EST
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