Foundation earth fixed Shaken never required

Categories: Wig's Word of God Today- Scripture Discernment and Poetry

Wigs Word of God Today

Universal Utterings for 5-28-2014

I will sing to the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God while I live. May my meditation be pleasing to Him; I will rejoice in the LORD. Psalm 104:33-34

Acts 17:15, 22–18:1, Psalm 104 & John 16:12-15

We seem to understand what it will take to surround ourselves with faith, hope and love but aren’t willing to accept the duties involved to practice, pray and proclaim the Good News afforded to us by God Almighty Himself. We would rather pursue useless things that seem important to us but aren’t beneficial to our Spirit’s Salvation only our selfish search for sin. There are so many different ways to align yourself with the Will of God but the journey will always begin here in His Word.

Look no further each day but to drift into His Truth seeking not to read the entire Book but to soak in the joy of His Word one journey at a time. Once we see we are learning the history of man by God’s Chosen concluding with a Covenant of Love that erases all past and future judgments, our practice takes on a new meaning and each word, verse and book brings upon new meaning in praising and meditation living a sense of calm enjoying the beauty of inner peace. “I will rejoice in the LORD!” Amen.

We ask in prayer. Dear LORD, we pray to praise You LORD constantly seeking You. Prayers for listener’s intentions request across the world on Closer Walk Media dot com. Prayers for Kairos Prison Ministry of DCI#49. Greg Bishop has our never ending prayers. Prayers for Dr. Cruz-Peluca. LORD, from Psalm 104:4 I chant, “You make the winds Your messengers; flaming fire, your ministers.” In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

I am surrendered in Christ,

Thomas Cruz†Wiggins

Spirit led God inspired Christ fed

Ephesians 6:17-20


Foundation earth fixed Shaken never required– Psalm 104


Soul LORD bless

God indeed great

Majesty clothed nest

Cloak robed Light


Heaven’s tent spreads

Water chamber beams

Chariot clouds make

Wind wings traveling


Messengers winds make

Ministers your fire

Foundation earth fixed

Shaken never required


Garment covers deep

Waters mountains above

Flight rebuke steep

Fled thunder sound


LORD works vary

All His Wisdom

Earth face renewed

Forth glad Spirit


Hallelujah LORD blessed

Soul Eternal rest


© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins May 28, 2014 @ 4:43 AM EST

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