Wigs Word of God Today
Universal Utterings for 11-28-2013
“My God sent His angel and closed the lions’ mouths so that they have not hurt me. For I have been found innocent before Him; neither have I done you any harm, O king!” This gave the king great joy. At his order Daniel was brought up from the den; he was found to be unharmed because he trusted in his God. Daniel 6:23-24
Daniel 6:12-28, Psalm 74 & Luke 21:20-28
It’s funny how people react to miracles in their midst, be it a doctor who finds a patient healed from cancer or the king celebrating his prophet had not been devoured by the den of lions, miracles of God cause celebration and thanksgiving convincing many confusing a few. King Darius had his celebration being not only thankful his trusted servant had not been killed but issuing a Decree to bind his faith making the call to serve the One and Only True God.
Daniel 6:27-28 gives his response: “I decree that throughout my royal domain the God of Daniel is to be reverenced and feared: “For He is the living God, enduring forever, whose Kingdom shall not be destroyed, whose Dominion shall be without end, A Savior and Deliverer, working Signs and Wonders in Heaven and on earth.”
We look back over time and find the miracles of God are ever present such as the day people of faith found their “New World” we would one day call our “Free America.” It was a miracle of God these men and women found the courage to live through a winter without food many freezing to death leaving 23 from the original Mayflower journey of 102. The miracle is they trusted God to sustain them ultimately planting and reaping a reported successful harvest. The miracle is they survived amongst the unknown never losing sight of the God we all are thankful for today. Thanksgiving should be a obligation celebrated daily being thankful for the miracles of God. Amen.
We ask in prayer: Dear LORD, we pray to trust only You LORD always thankful for every grace. Novena prayers day two for Jose Morales of NJ. Novena prayers day three for Pat Shagrue. Second novena prayers day six for Doug P. Prayers for Dr. Cruz-Peluca. Greg Bishop has our prayers often each day. LORD from Psalm 74:21, I chant, “Let not the oppressed turn back in shame; may the poor and needy praise Your Name.” In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
I am surrendered in Christ,
Thomas Cruz†Wiggins
†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed†
Ephesians 6:17-20
Forever Thanksgiving of the Wonders of Man– Daniel Six
Daniel loved to pray
It is my every thought he’d say
God is my life in every way
Being thankful to God day-after-day
We learn a lot from the Prophet of Old
Their words giving insight of Salvation told
A Savior of all would come to be bold
Dying for sins of confessions untold
No matter the decree of man can withstand
The miracles of God the irrevocable He Commands
Lions tamed His Dominion at hand
Forever Thanksgiving of the Wonders of Man
© Thomas Joe Cruz†Wiggins November 28, 2013 @ 4:34 AM EST
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