Wig’s Word of God Today 12-27-2012
Testify to God in our daily lives by loving our love of Christ Jesus.
For the Life was made Visible; we have seen it and testify to it and proclaim to you the Eternal Life that was with the Father and was made visible to us. First John 1:2
First John 1:1-4, Psalm 97 & John 20:2-8
I once asked a friend to explain the expression “Love your love of Christ.” I suppose many of you would ask if this is a statement or a question and I think it’s important to note it’s your choice living in His free will but my friends reply was “giving your all to God.” What’s yours? I originally wrote this statement in a reply to a friend’s email. I closed with, “Love your love of Christ, Thomas.” This person has always expressed so much love of Jesus to me I wanted to admire their testimony in my regards. A life of Christ made visible in the Light of Integrity and Goodness shunning wickedness according to Truth.
Our Eternal God brings Himself to the world in a baby where we get to admire Him for 12 Days of Christmas after His birth. These days of celebration are driven by your love of loving Christ Jesus. A Fellowship to proclaim “Eternal Life that was with the Father and was made visible” consists of living your life according to God and Christ as everlasting disciples of Truth. In our fast-paced world, I pray I can bring you in brevity the Truth God guides my soul daily with by loving my love of Christ Jesus expressing Truth in Spirit-led poetic terms by listening, lavishing and loving God’s Word. Here is the only way to “testify to it” in our daily lives loving our love of Christ Jesus. Amen.
We ask in prayer: Dear LORD, we pray day 3 of our 12 Days of Christmas welcoming Christ’s Truth in the Life made Visible. Continued prayers for Greg Bishop as well as his physician and oncologist in Houston, Stanislaw R. Burzynski, M.D. We pray LORD, we can be forgiven for the sin we lived. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
Yours in Christ,
Thomas Cruz†Wiggins
†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed†
Romans 8:28 Genesis 35:29
The Twelve Sons of Jacob were listed born– Genesis 35
God reveled to Jacob
A move was in store
Head to Bethel
And build My Alter to adore
El Shaddai appeared to Jacob Once the Alter was built
Bethel is your home to multiply Teach Me to deny the filth
Be fruitful and live My Truth
Jacob raised a monument to last as living proof
Benjamin soon came in a deadly birth
Rachel gave him life and died in the dirt
Jacob placed a monument eternal to forever stay
Rachel’s Tomb beautifully lasts even to today
While the eldest Reuben’s incest became known
The Twelve Sons of Jacob were listed born
Until Jacob went to his father Isaac
To bury him at one hundred eighty years old
© Thomas Joe Cruz†Wiggins December 27, 2012 @ 3:00 AM EST
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