Wig’s Word of God Today 11-30-2011
For one believes with the heart and so is justified, and one confesses with the mouth and so is saved. Romans 10:10
Romans 10:9-18, Psalm 19 & Matthew 4:18-22
You can rest assured in the belief you have in your heart what you confess with your mouth in loving your love of Christ Jesus that your life has new meaning, a new beginning and a new confidence in the Truth established in His Word to live for joy promised with Eternal Life. Yes, we have been saved from Eternal Torment by our confession that Jesus is LORD and Savior of every aspect of our lives and by His Truth we are guided to live in faith, charity and love. “For the scripture says, “No one who believes in Him will be put to shame.” Romans 10:11
Enjoy what Paul has to say to us of those who do believe and conquer because of His Name. “For everyone who calls on the Name of the LORD will be saved. But how can they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how can they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone to preach? And how can people preach unless they are sent?
As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring [the] Good News!” But not everyone has heeded the Good News; for Isaiah says, “LORD, who has believed what was heard from us?” Thus faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the Word of Christ. But I ask, did they not hear? Certainly they did; for “Their voice has gone forth to all the earth, and their words to the ends of the world.” Romans 10:13-18
So we ask in prayer: Dear LORD, we pray today to be a vessel for which You are presented to those who need to hear Your Son’s Truth. May His Name be on our lips to conquer fear, despair and provide hope for the weary at heart. We say a prayer of thanksgiving for my uncle’s successful open heart surgery. We pray for the strength to be given to a friend who needs guidance to conquer addiction. We are on day five of our nine days of praying for Jhaysonn’s miracle treatment to heal him completely LORD. We pray for the children of the world and their parents and teachers. We pray for our Nation and the success of Prayer Point to stop and pray for the USA. We pray for LIFE FM to be God’s voice in South Florida. We pray for the Spirit to guide our peacefulness to accept the things we cannot change, bravery in God to change the things we can, and intelligence of Christ’s Truth to know the difference. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
Romans 8:28
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed“
LORD is LORD of All to Need- Romans 10:9-12
Open your mouth
Confess and see
The Christ goodness
Saved by He
Three people in One
Hearts who believe
God raised Him to give
Truth a heart can conceive
Justified by the heart
To Eternally win
Confession of mouth
Saved to be begin
What Scripture details
Of all who believe
Not put to shame
LORD is LORD of All to Need
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins November 30, 2011 @ 5:15 AM EST
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