For nothing will be impossible for God. Luke 1:37

Categories: Wig's Word of God Today- Scripture Discernment and Poetry

Wig’s Word of God Today 12-20-2012

Live Christ to teach nothing will be impossible for God.

Therefore the LORD Himself will give you a sign; the young woman, pregnant and about to bear a son, shall name Him Emmanuel. Isaiah 7:14

For nothing will be impossible for God. Luke 1:37

Isaiah 7:10-14, Psalm 24 & Luke 1:26-38

The young woman will bear the sign that envelops the world in God’s true “discovery” so to speak for until this very moment of birth the human race had not experienced God in the flesh giving us warmth, worth and worry for many who could no longer deny His Truth to gain God’s Only Salvation from sins. We’ve been so indifferent about wronging God we begin living the obvious temptations of sins luring hypnotic thrust the world around you will smother you with.

What used to be considered smut and filth is now seen commonly every day. We live in shock as our children around us are taught by means of electronic equipment and their desires of instant gratification has led to impatience, impurity and infection of the minds we are teaching to lead our world. I pray we will lead our children in God’s spirit of Truth seeking to live His Sign of Possibility. Here God is with us to carry our confidence, courage and conviction every step of His Way in our lives as the world begins to move to excess in the name of freedom.

We seem to already know and begin to live the effects of this paradigm shift happening in the world at our point of history organizing the faithful unlike any time in our past. There will come a day when a sign from above will come with such thrust waking up the world with devastation where God will ask us the faithful to lend a hand to the lost teaching them God’s faith, hope and love. Until this day we as God-fearing Christ loving men and women must live out the sign given in Christ to teach “nothing will be impossible for God.” Amen.

We ask in prayer: Dear LORD, we pray today to live out Your Sign of Salvation by the Good News of Your Son Jesus Christ. Day 8 of Julian’s Healing Surgery Novena for surgery yesterday. Constant prayers for Greg Bishop. Prayers are constant for God to give us a sign to lead us home. I’m ready, are you? In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

Yours in Christ,

Thomas Cruz†Wiggins

†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed

Romans 8:28 Genesis 27:27


Esau hated Jacob for his fake blessing of thee– Genesis 27


Rebekah tried to fool her man

By taking their son dressed in a scam

Applying hair to his arms to seek

Isaac’s blessing of Esau to speak


Isaac wasn’t sure at first

As Jacob responded with his dirt

The smell of my son was hard to miss

But it was his clothes that he tried to diss


Esau hated Jacob for his fake blessing of thee

From their father who thought he’d relayed it to he

Seeking to revenge his name by his life

Mom sent Jacob packing to cure the strife


© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins December 20, 2012 @ 4:48 AM EST

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