For just as a body without a spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead. James 2:26

Categories: Wig's Word of God Today- Scripture Discernment and Poetry

Wig’s Word of God Today 2-17-2012


For just as a body without a spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead. James 2:26


James 2:14-24, 26, Psalm 112 & Mark 8:34, 9:1


My mom says to me often, “your burning the candle at both ends” describing the works of God I accomplish each day. The process of giving to God doesn’t come only on Sundays, it comes each day as we seek to accomplish living in the Will of God without hesitation. Over the years, I’ve struggled with carrying out good works for the LORD as well as sharing the work of God I accomplish for the Glory of His Truth. After considerable prayer, God has shared with me the strength to accomplish acts of mercy as well as sharing those acts in my writings daily to demonstrate ease of making the best of your Good Works for the LORD.


Good Works for God can come anytime, with anyone and anywhere as we walk our road of life in His surrender. Your Good Works can come as a prayer at a meal with friends or family in restaurant silently sharing the Good News with strangers who may also pray for the first time at their table because you chose to pray and guide them back to God in daily prayer from that point on. Maybe your Good Works for a homeless man will cause him to pray and share his offerings more readily each day with those he encounters in the world. Just maybe because you pray before a meal at work someone will silently begin to pray each day leading to witnessing to one another in His love weeks later.


James puts it this way in Chapter two verses 20: “Do you want proof, you ignoramus, that faith without works is useless?” after describing how faith is dead without works in versus 14-17. “What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister has nothing to wear and has no food for the day, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, keep warm, and eat well,” but you do not give them the necessities of the body, what good is it? So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” Let your life be an example of the Good Works God has instilled in you to become His Light to humanity for Good Works for Godly Ways. Amen.


We pray by God, His Son and His Spirit to accomplish Good Works to share Your Truth with the world. We continue our Novena of prayers for Robert M. in NJ. We pray for “40 Days of Life” to close abortion clinics. We pray for the Emmaus Team in NJ. We pray for LIFE FM. We pray for our spouses, children, family, friends, and the unknown Christ-like people we pray with every day. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.


God Bless His Truth for America,

Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins

Romans 8:28

Spirit led God inspired Christ fed


What good is faith without works of Truth?- James 2:14-26


What good is faith without works of Truth?

Faith is a flower to bloom in works you choose

Faith alone won’t save you from God’s blues

Because God wants you to do works to use


For His Glory when a person has nothing to wear

Can you send away without warmth or food I dare

Oh no, go in peace without my choice to care

How can that be pleasing to God if you don’t share?


So faith itself without works is dead to be

A man, woman or child without God to see

Without works how can we demonstrate faith to agree

I believe in One God to Eternally set me free


Don’t be an ignoramus without works to live

In faith of His Promise He surely will give

Be a friend of God as Abraham did knowing

A body without Spirit and faith without works is dead


© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins February 16, 2012 @ 5:47 AM EST

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