Wig’s Word of God Today 1-26-2013
Encouraging no shame of open acknowledgment of Jesus’ Salvation.
For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather of power and love and self-control. So do not be ashamed of your testimony to our LORD, nor of me, a prisoner for His sake; but bear your share of hardship for the Gospel with the strength that comes from God. Second Timothy 1:7-8
2 Timothy 1:1-8, Psalm 96 & Mark 3:20-21
How many times did your mother tell you to mind your manners whether boy or girl by the love we trust in God’s Only Son? We are always told to be careful of sin but wallow in it as parents denying our children the right to know God and trust Him with everything in our lives. Paul is keeping Timothy fired up for the LORD knowing He is “a prisoner for His sake” encouraging no shame of open acknowledgment of Jesus in Timothy’s thoughts, testimony and temptations bearing his “share of hardship for the Gospel with the strength that comes from God.”
Why as mothers and fathers will we not send our children out to mind their manners with Christ as their guide? I remember distinctly as a child those who were saved by confessing Christ as LORD and those of us who were obviously not. I have learned to remove a “spirit of cowardice” by the practice, prayer and proclaiming I do in every facet of my life. For far too long I have denied the One and Only True God leaving me hopeless, hostile and hungry for Christ’s Salvation of sin. No matter the fault I can turn to Him and say I am sorry for my sins LORD repenting earnestly in my heart to embrace my communion with God’s Truth.
Paul reminds us today it’s Ok to not be ashamed of your testimony to Jesus sharing love with self-control bearing “your share of hardship for the Gospel with the strength that comes from God.” Sometimes I think the strength I have comes only from His Gospel I surrender myself to everyday. I will not be ashamed nor will give in to denying the Truth by the love I have developed to share the charity of God’s Will. We are not ashamed when we purposely share Christ somehow some way during every moment of our lives. Our “Walk to Emmaus” can be our walk daily in the lives we encounter in the battlefields of humanity. Read your Bible in practice every day. Pray unceasingly every moment of your life. Proclaim without shame. Amen.
Today I begin a new personal way of sharing Christ’s Gospel when I begin to podcast my Scripture Study each day. Today as every day I come to you all surrendered but from now on I’ll be including the option to listen to my study or stop by YouTube and watch it live every day to put a face with the words. Today I begin sharing Christ’s voice through my lips of love for Him. I pray we all find the faith, hope and love of Christ in each moment we live our lives for charity. Christ’s Charity of Truth by our thoughts, action and deeds. I pray what I share in brevity can bring about a poetic sense to living God’s Word. Thank you for sharing His Truth with me. Amen.
We ask in prayer: Dear LORD, we pray today we are never ashamed of Your Son’s Gospel of Love. We pray for each other as we carry about our daily lives for You LORD. Praying for the Emmaus Team of South Carolina. Praying for Kairos Prison Ministry. Prayers for Dr. Cruz-Peluca. We pray for Greg Bishop’s healing. LORD, thank You for letting me share Your Truth. In Jesus Name we Eternally pray. Amen.
Yours in Christ,
Thomas Cruz†Wiggins
†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed†
Romans 8:28
Share the Gospel with poverty each day– 2 Timothy 1:1-8
Paul begins his letter to Timothy
Proclaiming he lives in God’s sympathy
A Promised life in Christ Jesus’ beauty
Dear child grace, mercy and peace from God almighty
Worshipping God is Paul’s story
Grateful he is for Christ’s glory
A clear conscious as his ancestors prayed
Paul praying for Timothy every night and day
Yearning to see the tears of Timothy’s love
As Paul yearned for Salvation from above
So sincere was Timothy’s rejoicing faith
His Mother Eunice and Grandmother Lois relate
Paul reminds him by his hands to stir in the flame
The gift of Spirit as you eternally proclaim
Nothing to hide or cowardly disdain
Rather power and self-control testimony the same
Nor of me be afraid to bear hardship to pray
God will deliver you to Heaven to stay
Share the Gospel with poverty each day
Your strength from God His proclamation you say
© Thomas Joe Cruz†Wiggins January 26, 2013 @ 6:15 AM EST
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