Wigs Word of God Today 4-8-2013
Enjoy today’s study in a podcast at www.cruz-wiggins.com
Surrender to “His Kingdom” on earth so the faith we live shines by our prayer.
First He says, “Sacrifices and offerings, holocausts and sin offerings, you neither desired nor delighted in.” These are offered according to the law. Then He says, “Behold, I come to do Your Will.” He takes away the first to establish the second. By this “Will,” we have been consecrated through the offering of the Body of Jesus Christ once for all. Hebrews 10:8-10
Then the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. Behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a Son, and you shall Name Him Jesus. He will be great and will be called Son of the Most High, and the LORD God will give Him the throne of David his father, and He will rule over the house of Jacob forever, and of His Kingdom there will be no end.” Luke 1:30-33
Isaiah 7:10-14, Psalm 40, Hebrews 10:4-10 & Luke 1:26-38
Walking in the Truth is accomplished by living in God’s Word forthcoming in daily practice seeking not your own will but the complete surrender to the Will of God is how we must mimic the life of Christ. I feel sometimes we forget how human Jesus is fulfilling the consecration by the offering of His Body and Blood as the Sacrifice for sin once and for all. Human in fear. Human by bleeding. Human by dying. Jesus warned His Disciples to pray they don’t undergo the test He was humanly scared of but Divine in all aspects to accomplish.
“When He arrived at the place He said to them, “Pray that you may not undergo the test.” After withdrawing about a stone’s throw from them and kneeling, He prayed, saying, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup away from Me; still, not My Will but Yours be done.” And to strengthen Him an angel from heaven appeared to Him. He was in such agony and He prayed so fervently that His sweat became like drops of blood falling on the ground.” Luke 22:40-44
We are just as scared to completely give our lives over to God in some areas being frightful of losing this or that. There are the little regions you keep hidden of your life where you think God won’t notice because you are so devout in other areas of your lives God that will give you a pass. The sin offering for us is Resurrected by the Life Christ lived in God’s Will experiencing anxiety as we do in everyday lives, scourging that would have obviously killed any ordinary man and death by the most horrendous of deaths by suffocation nailed to a Cross.
He was human and Divine living a mystery we can never truly fathom or understand. If only surrender to “His Kingdom” on earth so the faith we live shines by the prayer we trust to His Father’s Will, we’d control our deepest fears by professing Christ as our Savior and walking as an inmate described in Kairos yesterday where people “See the Bible in me.” My poem below reflects his statement. Do people see the Bible in you?
We ask in prayer: Dear LORD, we pray today to live for Your Will by our life dedicated to Your Son Jesus. Praying for my friend’s grandson David suffering from burns needing grafting. Prayers for Dr. Cruz-Peluca. Greg Bishop has constant prayers. Day two of a Novena for Russ Thoms and his daughter Serinity. LORD from Psalm 13:6 I chant: ”I trust in Your mercy. Grant my heart joy in your Salvation, I will sing to the LORD, for He has dealt bountifully with me!” In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
I am yours in Christ,
Thomas Cruz†Wiggins
†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed†
Romans 8:28
See the Bible in Me
Heart so filled
Looking in the eyes of God
Hated without cause
Discipline by the Spiritual Rod
Living in testimony of Truth
Spiritual condition as proof
Promise of the Holy use
Family of fellowship introduced
Taught by fellows to see
Kairos Time of Specialty
Receiving the Grace of He
See the Bible in me
© Thomas Joe Cruz†Wiggins April 8, 2013 @ 5:09 AM EST
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