Wig’s Word of God Today 8-4-2012
Faithful Citizenship of a Christian American Fan
They will dwell there and possess it; the descendants of God’s servants will inherit it; those who love God’s Name will dwell in it. Psalm 69:36b-37
Jeremiah 26:11-16, 24, Psalm 69 & Matthew 14:1-12
Many have answered the call to give God their all only to have someone, something or some self-described love separate them from God’s Plan of faith, hope and love. The more commitment you live and happily display the more opposition you come up against. There will always be the people who oppose your desire to live in Truth as they openly take chances of placing constraints on your beliefs, traditions and religion to satisfy some sort of weird desire to live in social disorder of forced beliefs, forced medicine and forced protection. We have lived scorned by them for too long silently sitting back accepting their best practices until “the king” done gone too far.
Just as the Psalmist proclaims in Psalm 69 we too must not lose hope God will right this situation by the work we as Christians put forth in faith. We must pray earnestly with compassionate desire for the Father’s Glorification to be lived in our hope. We must accept the call to live in God’s love protecting every freedom He guarantee’s humanity by living His Truth. It’s not bigotry. It’s not hate. It is our God-given right to not accept the vulgarity, brashness and evil unbiblical behavior creates in our children. It is our God-given right to openly pray for your conversion and place our Trust in God’s Divine Plan for mankind.
I call all humanity to go arm-n-arm as Brother’s and Sister’s in Christ rising up as the majority to squash this silent yet open disease of secular immorality. We must remain faithful to His Teachings and embrace each as Christ-like for the Glory of God the Father. Our “Faithful Citizenship” of living in a country created for Freedom of Religion, Freedom to Make a Profit and Freedom to Bear Arms must be lived in active thought, articulate actions and accelerated participation by all people of faith.
Become active now. Become articulate now. Accelerate your involvement now. Ask me how you can immerse yourself in the active voice our citizenship calls us to speak. God is asking us to live the whole faith not walk a fence of convenience but truly live His Designed Plan to breathe in faith, hope/charity and love. Faithful Citizenship requires faithfulness to God and His Holy Will allowing society to enjoy the benefits of justice and peace. This is our Declaration on Religious Liberty we are charged to uphold. Amen.
So we ask in prayer: Dear LORD, we pray today to live in Faithful Citizenship to Your Divine Holy Will. Make us a people of articulate action accelerated by Your Holy Word. We pray day eight of a Novena of prayers for Mesfin Zabrocki and Lucy Moreira to be at peace LORD. We pray for the intentions of all Americans who I dedicate my poem to below. We accept Your Divine Will in all things. We thank You LORD for Julian first day in rehab. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed“
Philippians 4:4-7 Romans 8:28
Rejoice and have peace in Christ Jesus!
Faithful Citizenship of a Christian American Fan
Without active thought
We live in silence wrought
With indecision begot
God’s love knowing not
A civilian must articulate
The Truth for the Eternal date
Of Heaven’s designed fate
Of faith walked in majority to state
The accelerated participation in freedom’s span
The Duty of God’s Servant they attempted to ban
Living in Truth as the Father’s Eternal Plan
Faithful Citizenship of a Christian American Fan
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins August 4, 2012 @ 5:53 AM EST
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