Wig’s Word of God Today 1-31-2012
“Do not be afraid; just have faith.” Mark 5:36c
2 Samuel 18:9-30, Psalm 89 & Mark 5:21-43
Jesus described faith as something that should relieve the fright of death. Even in the midst of facing certain death Himself, Jesus never relinquished His faith in His Father to overcome anything His Walk was meant to accomplish as the Will of God for His Truth. The synagogue official had faith in a prophet but he soon would learn to have faith in God because Christ reaffirmed his faith by raising his daughter from a certain death. Jesus told the official, “Do not be afraid; just have faith.” I can only imagine what he must have been thinking on the walk to his home to find loud crying and mourning. I’m sure his faith in Christ had some doubts but that wouldn’t deter him from at least allowing Jesus to see her and heal her.
We are not unlike this man in our own walk as we try to live by a faith that is as strong as steel but weakened at any moment by selfish acts of disrespect towards God’s Eternal Promise. We do this by seeking our own methods of living instead of following the proven method of resurrecting your life by living for God’s Will in practice, prayer and preaching. You have to open your Bible to live in His faith. You have to pray unceasingly over every little detail of your life to accomplish true hope in Christ. You must share His love in proclaiming the Truth you learn in His Word. Jesus is telling us not to be afraid but to just have faith. Amen.
We pray by God, His Son and His Spirit to have faith in Your Son’s Gospel to live in faith, charity and love. We pray for “40 Days of Life” to overcome the dreadful act of abortion. We pray for an Emmaus Brother’s father who was diagnosed with lung cancer. We pray for LIFE FM. We pray for our wives, children, family, friends, and strangers we pray with every day. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
Romans 8:28
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed“
By Faith be Not Afraid of God’s Eternal Home- Mark 5:35-43
A synagogue official stood by as people were healed
Praying somehow Jesus would come from an appeal
People from his house reported his daughter had died
Many asked why trouble the teacher his will did confide
Christ said, “Do not be afraid; just have faith.”
Jesus left the crowd and went to his place
There a commotion of mourning was shown
He was ridiculed for having faith in the unknown
Taking her hand he said, “Talitha koum”
Meaning, Little girl, I say to you arise and be known
A girl of twelve arose and walked around
Utterly astounded people to praise all over town
Give her something to eat came His reply
Keep this act silent and try not to confide
This miracle of life came from the Father I know
By faith be not afraid of God’s Eternal Home
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins January 31, 2012 @ 4:52 AM
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