Wig’s Word of God Today 5-21-2012
Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you became believers? Acts 19:2b
Do you believe at last? John 16:31b
Acts 19:1-8, Psalm 68 & John 16:29-33
I often wonder if people around me I worship with feel the Holy Spirit in the same way I do? I’ve worshipped with a lot of different faiths witnessing the Holy Spirit move people in different ways. I’ve seen them speak in tongues dancing about as if they were under a trance. I’ve seen them laugh aloud and then all of a sudden uncontrollable sobbing as tears raced down their face.
I’ve seen men and women lose all inhibition amongst complete strangers dancing about shouting praises of love to an amazing God Who has given us the Spirit of Holy thoughts, action and deed. He is the Spirit of engagement reaching into your heart massaging your initiative, common sense, and your presence of mind.
You will receive Him in similar ways of every walker of the Way but you will act in your own way remembering your own experience. He will take your breath away in a moment’s notice opening the valve of tears where frowns leave your face and gladness brings the lips to curl. Ah, if only we’d believe then our lives would be full of purpose. We’d glorify Him in birth and death seeing all things as His Will.
I’ve learned God’s Law of Attraction works both ways: belief and unbelief. When you believe good things are going to happen, they happen. When you believe bad things are going to happen, it happens. I believe God wants us to live in a state of belief no matter what our circumstances are learning His Will has peace, power and purpose. We all can find Peace in hardship. We all can find Power in sharing His Truth. We all have a Purpose to glorify the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit. They are One God, forever and ever. “Do you believe at last?” I sure do.
Together let us pray to the LORD that we all live in a state of belief living in Your Son’s Truth every step of the Way. I offer a prayer of thanksgiving for my daughter’s beautiful wedding yesterday. We pray for all people. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
Romans 8:28
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed“
There were twelve in all receiving the Holy Spirit’s right- Acts 19:1-8
Apollos preached in Corinth
Paul traveled to commit
The souls of Ephesus to get
Some disciples were there to wit
Paul asked if any believe
The Holy Spirit will move you to conceive
His Truth in your heart and in tongues
Baptized by John they heard of it none
John’s baptism was that of repentance
He said believe in the Messiah to come as a witness
That is the Son of Man Jesus the Christ
There is no other Prophet’s name that will suffice
Paul laid hands on them baptizing them in Christ
The Holy Spirit enriched their souls with might
Speaking in tongues and prophesying the Light
There were twelve in all receiving the Holy Spirit’s right
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins May 21, 2012 @ 5:45 AM PST
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