My video link below is my Congress Walk for Truth with Old Glory in Little Torch Key walking Jolly Rogers Estates.
Day three began near Mile Marker 30 walking Little Torch Key in Jolly Rogers Estates which celebrates its 5oth anniversary this year. As I began my walk, several cars drove by honking and stopping so I could pass them my candidate information and get them to sign my petitions. Many of these hard working Americans were pleased to see a new face seeking to take a common guy back to Washington. “I can identify with you,” one lady said. “You’re just like us working to make a living and trying to make a difference.”
Below is a picture of a man I met and spoke with for some time about how our country is reeling from career politicians. His name is Jack Sweeney and he agreed to allow me to use his picture today on my BLOG site. He said Washington is truly disconnected to the everyday American and our values have gone away in our country. I couldn’t agree more I told him and he added, “We need a complete change of guard in Washington.”
I want to thank Render and Grace Britton for inviting me into their home offering me cold bottle water and a sandwich (I turned down the sandwich-fasting for guidance). They gladly signed a petition and spoke about the issue affecting the lives all Americans. Mrs. Britton made me laugh when she said, “My grandchild asked me the other day, ‘Is it true Grandpa writes the President?’ Of course it is. He likes to get involved.” My hat goes off to anyone who wants to get involved. He added, “We can’t sit back and let our country be ruined by career politicians who have no idea how we live. I commend you for getting involved yourself.” Thanks Mr. and Mrs. Britton. God Bless you both.
I then met a man who called himself Jacque. He was a self-employed carpenter who said, “They (the politicians) forgot how our country was founded.” Adding, people have lost respect for the red, white and blue.” People are sharing stories of lost hope in Washington. They feel disconnected to people who serve themselves and not the people.
Finally, I met a lady who stated the Truth of America stating, “The people still control our government.” The need of change relies on people getting involved with us little guys trying to bring commonality back to Washington. There needs to be a connection between our leaders and our citizens. America has lost that; connection.
We begin tomorrow at Mile Marker 49 in Marathon after camping tonight behind the DAV in a tent. I expect to walk the neighborhoods as well as US 1 most of the morning. If you see me, honk and wave and stop me to sign a petition. Thanks for your support and may God Bless America with His Truth. TJCW
Keep it up! South Florida needs you and we all need the exercise! You are a good man and friend Cruz!
Thomas Childers- Thanks for the note of confidence. I’m Walking for Truth. Love you Brother Childers-Thomas