Day One of Walk encounters setback but goal continues to Walk the District for Truth…

Categories: Campaign Blog Archive from 2012 run for Congress

I began my Congress walking Cruz Wiggins petition drive yesterday from Mile Marker “0” in Key West Florida. During the first few miles of my walk, several people asked me what I was doing or honked their horns in support but the most compelling person’s request was to help better inform me of her passions to keep America centered on a government of Truth. She purposely pulled her car over and approached me to ask several questions as well as provide me with some information. I pray and hope people like her continue to approach me to share their ideals and values all Americans crave.

I continued my walk with every intention of walking 10 miles per day for the next 27 days to reach North Miami Beach where District 18 ends for the state of Florida. I’ve spent the last seven months training at the gym and walking with my dog Kairos to prepare myself for this goal. I have established in my mind there would be nothing that can stop me from accomplishing what I believe God had set me out to do. But God has a way of telling you what you should be doing for Him instead of what you believe you should be doing for you because of Him.

As I reached mile four yesterday, I stepped off the curb and twisted my left ankle aggravating an old Navy injury I received when I fell down a ladder chute on a ship running to a general quarters drill in the mid-1980s. The ankle twisting not only cause pain in my ankle but also caused aggravation to my lower left back I injured while falling down the same ladder in the U.S. Navy. As I sat there on the side of the road praying to God how I was to overcome this setback, He directed me to move on with the walk in a different manner. A very close family friend’s son who is 21-years-old had volunteered to walk the route with the me pulling along a little red wagon where we had stowed our camping essentials for the trip. We discovered when we lifted the wagon the axles had come undone and fell off to the ground making us both laugh out loud.

Knowing God was telling me that I should not attempt to walk every mile of this journey to avoid injuring myself further I have decided with the help of this young man to return and get my car here in Homestead travel back into the keys to walk each town with my 15 foot flagpole carrying the American flag and POW flag with a sign reading Congress Walking Cruz-Wiggins Petition Drive. The remainder of my walk will be accomplished in the same manner as I seek smaller routes to walk to bring attention my ideals of taking a Common Man to Washington for the Common Good asking Americans to vote out career politicians. As always, I ask anyone who reads my BLOG to please pray for me to accomplish the Will of God in all things.

Congress Walking for Truth continues… TJCW

5 Responses to "Day One of Walk encounters setback but goal continues to Walk the District for Truth…"

  1. Marta H. Posted on June 15, 2011 at 12:58 pm

    Hope you are feeling better. We are puling for you, in spirit! Some motivational quotes for you…

    The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same. Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination.”
    Don Williams, Jr. (American Novelist and Poet, b.1968)

    “Success is not a place at which one arrives but rather the spirit with which one undertakes and continues the journey.”
    Alex Noble

    • Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins Posted on June 15, 2011 at 1:29 pm

      Thanks for the quotes of encouragement and support in prayer and Spirit. I beleive life has its hurdles to teach us to jump up and live as God intended it.

      God Bless,

  2. Theresa K. Posted on June 15, 2011 at 2:45 pm

    Take heart Tom! God’s plans are always way better than our own! Prayers for the continued journey. May hearts be touched, support be found, and petitions signed!

    I will offer my small sufferings for all of your intentions.

    May His will be done,
    Theresa Kuehne

    • Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins Posted on June 16, 2011 at 1:03 am

      GREAT day today. Your son has been a blessing. People are receptive and God’s Plan is in place.

      Thanks and God Bless,

  3. Paula Heidorn Posted on June 16, 2011 at 9:33 pm

    Thomas, Of course I love the LITTLE RED WAGON story. I will be thinking of you this weekend at the Lakeridge Winery as the wagons roll out to the parking lot, I will envision your tent and supplies on your journey.. Last year this month you journeyed to see me. This year..Jesus Journey!! God Bless and keep rollin’ like the little red wagon.

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