When we rely on our own capacities without giving everything to God, we sever in ourselves the communion with God that produces all necessities of life including the but not limited to dietary needs, physical readiness and spiritual livelihood. We must establish a communion with God in all things, a bond if you will to be One with His purpose to eat the right foods sharing our lot with the needy, maintain our temple of His likeness by exercise and physical training and feed our soul with His Eternal Word of Life to complete the communion of His Will for all necessities of life. This communion will serve His Purpose to share the Redemption of His Son’s Truth in gaining Eternal Life by our repentance of sins and living for our love of His Son Christ Jesus.
On Friday night, I could see this in a family I met in Naples as I attended a conference called Liberty Counsel Awake with Mathew Staver and David Barton who are stout Christians establishing a movement to stop our great country from moving away from our Christian Heritage by strengthening our religious freedom, the sanctity of human life and bonding the family in America as the true foundation of American History. Please learn more about their Grassroots Movement at www.lc.org and www.wallbuilders.com. The family I met was promoting “One Nation Under God U.S.A” to establish the rediscovery of American History and renew in our current generation the vision and covenant of the Founding Fathers and Mothers of our Great Land.
The Phelps Family from left to right:
Bob, Kate, Christopher, Sue and Dave
After speaking with them for some time, I asked permission to take their picture of their family unit to share with my readers of my daily Scripture study to allow an opportunity to discuss what I see an American Family in love with God and its country history looks and acts like. I commented to the children how fortunate they are to have a mother and father who practices the Truth of God’s Word and affords them the opportunity to know the Truth about their country’s foundation and establishing in them a desire to share this in their “One Nation Under God U.S.A.” movement.
Just as Jesus reminds us today in John 6, this family is a true example of what it means to live a life of Christ’s love by being in total communion with His Word for the growth of their body, mind and soul. When worldly means of living escape our ability to survive in God’s World, there is truly on One Way to survive and that’s by the Truth in God’s Word to live in communion with His Son’s New Covenant of Love. Amen.
So we ask in prayer: Dear Father of All, we pray toady for the movement of One Nation Under God U.S.A. to give all Glory to You and Your Son Christ Jesus for the good of America’s future. We pray today for One Nation Under God’s Families, Liberty Counsel and David Barton to always be protected by Your Divine Hand of Strength leading them to a victory of Your Truth for America’s Future. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
Romans 8:28
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed“
One Nation Under God- The U.S.A.
His Truth will totally prevail
Clearing away the secular trail
Only in Him can America succeed
By our love of God void of greed
Look to one another to unite for Truth
Let not the world of sin be our noose
Gather and pray in public to prove
Christ will prevail in Redemption as proof
May our future be taught of His Divine Plans
For Humanity to love and glorify His Commands
To love one another in His Word to stay
One Nation Under God- The U.S.A.
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins June 26, 2011 @ 7:21 AM EST
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