Congress Walk of Truth from Moody Drive to Silver Palm along US 1

Categories: Campaign Blog Archive from 2012 run for Congress

Congress Walk from Moody to Silver Palm began in Naranja

Congress Walk from Moody to Silver Palm began in Naranja

I began my travels today from Moody Drive heading North to Silver Palm stopping in to see my friend Fred Rebozo who owns Silver Palm auto. Fred has got to be one of the nicest guys I’ve ever met before. A man of faith who helps the Boys CLubs of Miami as well as spends a lot of time in a Prison Ministry for AA. If you are in need of a good preowned car, give Fred a call and tell him Congress Walking Cruz-Wiggins sent you.
It was very cloudy today but VERY HOT and I enjoyed a lot of honks and talks with people as I walked North and South back to my car. I met a lady today who spoke of the need to bring back values to our nation’s government and she mentioned “why do they allow them to stay in Washington for so long?” I said your right, they stay there way too long and our country needs new faces with fresh ideas to run our government. We parted with a “God Bless You” and I asked her to pray for me as I continue to my “Congress Walk of Truth.”
Fred Rebozo Owner of Silver Palm Auto

Fred Rebozo Owner of Silver Palm Auto

As I waked along US 1 heading South again, I noticed the US 1 Marker above was named after a Florida Highway Trooper and a Judge of Miami-Dade County. I spent some time researching about these two men of why they would have a road named after them. I discovered Trooper GB “Buck” Buchanan died of cancer in 1990 and US 1 at 344th Street was named in his honor for serving the South Florida Communities. Judge Steven Levine was killed in a car accident when he was driving his 1972 Red Corvette on Krome Avenue and a man in a pickup truck ran a stop sign smashing into the Corvette killing the judge and a female passenger.  They are co-honored by having US 1 named after them both.
US 1 in Naranja is the Trooper Buck Buchanan Memorial Hwy and Judge Steven Levine Blvd

US 1 in Naranja is the Trooper Buck Buchanan Memorial Hwy and Judge Steven Levine Blvd

Tomorrow I have invited my Class of Room 108 parents and students to walk with me along Old Cutler after 216th Street. I think it’s a great way for kids to see what their teacher is doing to make a difference in the community and who knows they could be a part of history when I win in November of 2012. I will be passing out yard signs to carry and I expect about 10 or more to join. Please give them a honk and a wave when you see them. Thanks for all your support and God Bless America. TJCW

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