Christ’s pity will give you your family, friends and future back

Categories: Wig's Word of God Today- Scripture Discernment and Poetry

Wigs Word of God Today 8-7-2013

And behold, a Canaanite woman of that district came and called out, “Have pity on me, LORD, Son of David! My daughter is tormented by a demon.” But He did not say a word in answer to her. His disciples came and asked Him, “Send her away, for she keeps calling out after us.” Matthew 15:22-23

Numbers 13:1-25–14:1-35, Psalm 106 & Matthew 15:21-28

We’ve described our lives as tumultuous filled with heathen decisions escaping peace for the thrill of instant gratification. We may think we are already doomed playing our emotions to think we are in too deep or we have drifted too far from shore to swim back. The mother of a daughter possessed had lived her life in torment came alive from persistence no matter the history as lived in a time where people probably shunner her and her little girl for the community probably thought her family was being punished by some unforgivable sin.

I welcome a new group of guys today who before attending their Emmaus last weekend may have felt as if the world was stealing every moment of their freedom to worry about things that has pushed us away from our family, friends and our future. React as the mother did today in finding “the power of the Holy Spirit T(to) be the engine that runs your life,” as quoted by the leader of that weekend yesterday. He reminded them as well to “be careful of misplaced self-reliance, it is actually a weakness, and more often than not becomes sinful.”

Here, we must surrender to God’s Will by living the Gospel in thoughts, actions and deeds. We must find the courage to keep calling after Jesus even if we feel we deserve otherwise. Christ’s pity will give you your family, friends and future back. Help the world know the Gospel God gave us all to live forgiven. Forgive by living the faith of Truth calling after Christ in love’s surrender. Teach your family to abide in faith. Teach your friends Christ’s hope is real. Live taught by Christ in charity’s call. Amen.

We ask in prayer: Dear LORD, we pray to call after Jesus for every thing we need LORD. Novena prayers day five for Margie K and her family. Novena prayers day three for Adrian with meningitis. Novena prayers day four for Eric S. Novena prayers day seven for my cousin Cheryl. Prayers for Dr. Cruz-Peluca. Greg Bishop has our constant prayers. LORD from Psalm 95:6, I chant- “Enter, let us bow down in worship; let us kneel before the LORD who made us.” In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

I am yours in Christ,
Thomas Cruz†Wiggins
†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed†
Ephesians 6:17-20

Daughter granted her wish– Matthew 15:21-28

If Jesus withdrew
Loving prayer to prove
Faith will accrue
Pity for me and you

As the woman from Canaan
Calling out in faith
Asking the LORD for pity
Her daughter tormented in haste

A demon had possessed her
We learn seemingly shunned
No word from Him to answer
Calling out to David’s Son

Frustrating the Disciples
Away send her they said
After us she keeps calling
The sheep lost of Israel’s egg

Dropping in homage
At Christ’s feet she begged
Needing help for a demon
Possessed daughter unwed

Keep food from children
Right not Jesus replied
Throwing to the dogs
Scraps of master’s table comply

Amazed at her great faith
Daughter granted her wish
Very hour healed forever
Just by waving His wrist

© Thomas Joe Cruz†Wiggins August 7, 2013 @ 6:09 AM EST

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