Wig’s Word of God Today 5-6-2012
Children, our love must be not just words or mere talk, but something active and genuine. First John 3:18
Every branch in Me that bears no fruit He cuts away, and every branch that does bear fruit He prunes to make it bear even more. John 15:2
Acts 9:26-31, Psalm 22, First John 3:18-24 & John 15:1-8
Jesus uses His Disciple John to describe today something I encountered as I was actively praying yesterday in two different locations of South Florida including Fort Lauderdale and Miami. These two instances reflect the pruning we receive when you seek every aspect of bearing fruit for His Father’s glory. In less than two hours, I encountered two separate God-instances that swept me away in the Spirit to accomplish His Will. The first was in Fort Lauderdale where I choose an active prayer point on the corner of Federal Highway and Oakland Park Boulevard.
Last year I wrote about my Prayer Point ministry that I created where I took a 15-foot flagpole with an American flag and a POW flag and attached a three-foot-by-three-foot sign that reads “Prayer Point- Stop and Pray for the USA.” Once a week on Saturday morning you’ll normally see me with the sign in front of the abortion mill on 117th Ave and Sunset praying with an active rosary vigil group for the babies dying that has been going there now for almost seven years. Every so often, I use the sign too at different locations in the city to stop and pray to passer bys sometimes encountering extraordinary prayer warriors for God’s Truth.
Yesterday her name was Melanie and I would describe her as a woman in her 70’s short with a grey ponytail simple white skirt and shirt donning a light blue scarf wrapped around her head. At first, she just nodded as I said “God Bless You” stopping near me waiting to cross a very busy intersection seemingly focused on her route. I will often kneel when praying in a Teebowing sort of way and I kneeled after she walked by and refocused on my prayers when within one minute she startled me with a tap of her hand on my shoulder asking, “Would you like to pray with you?” Looking up I witnessed a glow around her head as she smiled at me with these twinkling blue eyes as I replied, “I’d be honored to pray with you.” Standing up and gripping my flagpole in my right arm, I reached out and held hands with her praying aloud.
When I finished, she looked at me and said, “If you were to die right now, do you believe you would go to heaven when God asks why you deserve to be let in?” I replied, “I am a sinner not worthy to enter Your Kingdom LORD and only by the Blood of Your Son has my sins been wiped away. By my belief in His Sacrificial Redemption I am offered His Promise of Eternal Life in Heaven.” She smiled and said, “God Bless you” shaking my hand turning to walk the crosswalk at perfect timing to catch the light. When I looked up a few seconds later smiling to see where she was going, she was gone heading South down US 1 out-of-sight as if she had vanished in thin air. I said aloud “Thank You Jesus” rejoicing aloud in a song in my heart.
The second was a homeless man I met at Tropical Park on Bird Road. I saw him on a corner where I was unable to stop because of an off ramp at 826 green light. I yelled to him to come find me a Tropical Park because I had some shoes and clothes for him. About 15 minutes later, he walked by my Prayer Point and I asked him if he needed any shoes or clothes. His tanned dirty face was smiling a mile wide was shaking his head yes and we walked over to my “Trunk of Comfort.” After giving him some new perfect fitting shoes and clothes, I prayed with him by holding his shoulders making the Sign of the Cross on his forehead when I finished saying may God Bless you looking into eyes of tears rolling down his cheeks.
Finally, I then offered him my open arms in a hug when we were finished praying and he responded with the tightest love-held hug I feel every time my wife and I hug- it was Christ-felt and pure. The only difference is my wife has a smell of Heaven not a stench of living in hell on the streets. He walked away overjoyed as I continued my Prayer Point location in thankful prayer for the Child of God I had just prayed with. Jesus will use us as His Disciples just as He taught and shared His Truth with Saint John. Find out how His Truth can be shared in an active and genuine way as the Father prunes your branches to create fruit that is more delicious. Amen.
Dear Father, we pray to love in not mere talk but something active and genuine for Your glory LORD. We pray for my children. We pray You never relieve the burning sensation in the center of our hearts to live only for You. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
Romans 8:28
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed”
Pruning the branches of deed to create more seeds of use- John 15:1-8
From the mouth of Jesus
Lessons of Truth came forth
The True Vine from the Father
An example of the inspired True North
God shears away the branches
Those not producing fruit
Pruning the branches of deed
To create more seeds of use
His Disciples were pruned
Christ’s Word of guts
He spoke to remain in Him
As He remains in all of us
Without His Word
We are nothing to be
In His Word
Much fruit to seed
All branches pruned
For lack of use
Gathered and burnt
In a fire of truce
The ceasing of your preaching
Because My Words are not in you
If you glorify My Father
My Words live an Eternal youth
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins May 6, 2012 @ 5:53 AM EST
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