Wig’s Word of God Today 7-30-2012
Can you see how Big God’s Word is? “
This wicked people who refuse to obey My Words, who walk in the stubbornness of their hearts and follow other gods, serving and worshiping them, will be like this loincloth, good for nothing. Jeremiah 13:10
You were unmindful of the Rock that begot you, you forgot the God Who gave you birth. Deuteronomy 32:18
He spoke to them another parable. The Kingdom of Heaven is like yeast that a woman took and mixed with three measures of wheat flour until the whole batch was leavened. Matthew 13: 33
Jeremiah 13:1-11, Deuteronomy 32:18-19, 20, 21 & Matthew 13:31-35
As I write about the LORD’s Truth each day, I place my heart and soul into God’s Word to write as brief yet direct, simple yet eloquent seeking only Christ’s Truth giving the Father all the Glory. The immeasurable effect of God’s Word in the smallest of structures in grammar illuminates the magnitude of the Kingdom’s Validity, Force and Power. Jesus spoke a Parable of Magnitude for just as the “three measures of wheat flower” is an enormous amount, enough to feed a hundred people liken God’s Word to the Power and Omnipotence of the King of Kings and LORD of LORD’s.
So Enormous is He that He will swallow the pride of humanity with Precision and Force for those “who refuse to obey My Words” of Truth to be His People of Fame, Praise and Glory. But no, “they did not listen.” It is as if the secular desires of man’s pride can simply ignore God’s Grace of Life bestowed on us all by the love He has for all His Children. You cannot hide your underwear in the rocks of sin and expect them to return to you unblemished for without God’s Word as your guide, you will find the loincloth just like you worn-out and torn. Amen.
So we ask in prayer: Dear God, we pray today to express the enormoucy of Your Word to the people we meet each day. We pray for Julian’s move to Rehab LORD. We pray day three of a Novena of prayers for Mesfin Zabrocki and Lucy Moreira to be healed LORD. We pray for the intentions of Chris Stone who I dedicate my poem to below. We accept Your Divine Will in all things. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed“
Philippians 4:4-7 Romans 8:28
Rejoice and have peace in Christ Jesus!
Emmaus was my fate I would feast- In Honor of Chris Stone
Grew as a Catholic
Was an obligation
Reading the Bible
Was Grandma’s destination
I felt unworthy
Amongst brothers of love
Thinking I was ugly
God gave me my needed shove
In my research
How God instructed all
I learned the Apostles
Were Scumbags who received the Call
Emmaus was my catch and release
Taking Emmaus to Pittsburgh at least
Find the Word to enjoy of Eternal Peace
Emmaus was my fate I would feast
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins July 30, 2012 @ 6:56 AM
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