Wig’s Word of God Today 7-28-2012
Can a weed be a flower by your message of Truth?
Stand at the gate of the House of the LORD and proclaim this message there: Hear the word of the LORD. Jeremiah 7:2a
Let them grow together until harvest. Matthew 13:30a
Jeremiah 7:1-11, Psalm 84 & Matthew 13:24-30
The Word of God comes to the mighty Prophet Jeremiah explaining to the people to stop their wicked ways for surely God will not allow them to find protection in the House of God after their unfailing disrespect for God’s Truth by uncivil behavior of sexual disorder, murder and adoring false gods. Seems pretty simple to me that by living for God’s Will we find a path of righteousness to live for God’s love and God’s Decrees.
How many times have you heard God’s Message of action and went home to say another will take care of the needs of the lost, hungry or poor? If we allow the laziness of Satan’s desires to enter our heart, we will sit in the comfort of our own protective coverings doing what selfishness and sin allow. I implore you to engage the lost and confused by God’s Eternal Word of Truth. The Word of God will lead us all to the answers life requires and demands if we’d only open the covers to find His Will in your life.
Today Jesus reminds us that we must allow the weeds of despair to grow amongst our desires of faith, hope and love but He will surely harvest the nonbelievers for eternal damnation unless we can share the Way of Salvation by our thoughts, action and deed. We must live by example for the directional peace of Truth. Oh sure, the secular world will disrupt your motivation to live for God in the flash and flair of colors of selfishness and sin but call out to God and He will shoulder your distrust and allow you to engage His Purpose to anyone you encounter. Amen.
So we ask in prayer: Dear God, we pray today to be Sowers of Truth by following Christ’s Word. We pray for Julian’s recovery LORD. We pray day eight of a Novena of prayers for Steve’s intentions. We pray for the intentions of John Lobo who I dedicate my poem to below. We pray for Mesfin Zabrocki and Lucy Moreira to be healed LORD. We accept Your Divine Will in all things. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed“
Philippians 4:4-7 Romans 8:28
Rejoice and have peace in Christ Jesus!
In Christ I’ll always defend– In honor of John Lobo (GBU!)
Sharing the love of symbols
The rose our vine if Truth
More at peace to find
Where Christ is the Center of Proof
Just as the rose has roots
I too was surrounded to call
My family of passion courageous
India I would no longer fall
My roots transplanted to stay
From Emmaus I began to pray
No longer a Catholic for Sunday
A rose bush in community to lay
My life to forever begin
The watering of life to win
Life of charity to lend
In Christ I’ll always defend
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins July 28, 2012 @ 6:04 AM
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