By unconditional obedience we see the graces of God more clearly. “I give you praise, Father, LORD of heaven and earth.” Luke 10:21b

Categories: Wig's Word of God Today- Scripture Discernment and Poetry

Wig’s Word of God Today 12-4-2012

By unconditional obedience we see the graces of God more clearly.

I give you praise, Father, LORD of heaven and earth. Luke 10:21b

Isaiah 11:1-10, Psalm 72 & Luke 10:21-24

Filled with the Holy Spirit Jesus began rejoicing in the LORD often giving Him praise and worship and revealing the joy of serving the LORD was as beautiful as a little child’s unconditional love for their parents, siblings and surrounding family. You see the reaction of the little ones that takes your breath away realizing the innocent beauty of trust lived by each and every child seeking to grow according to the love provided.

By this unconditional obedience we see the graces of God more clearly allowing our own lives to signify His faith, hope and love producing thought, action and deed of His Truth. No matter what the stress is we can and do find peace knowing Christ’s Way of living. We can let our hair down so to speak embracing His love as soothing tender caresses of a love I see and witness in my amazing wife. We both serve His Truth with passion and grace afforded only by our surrender to living God First. Amen.

Let us pray: Dear LORD, we pray today we always rejoice in You LORD as absolute Truth. We pray for peace, good health and our own charity and deed. Carolina we are praying for you. We pray in Christ’s Risen Name indeed. Amen.

God Bless His Truth for America,

Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins

Spirit led God inspired Christ fed

Genesis 8:22 Romans 8:28


An Altar for God Yahweh they Praised- Genesis 8


The flood of the world came to an end

When Genesis eight does begin

Man and beasts were free to roam within

The lands soaked with God’s tears from sin


Think of the water of all the earth to show

God’s tears of joy was instilled to know

How His Ark of Safety began to complete

Truth in living for humanity’s weak


Noah sent out a raven to flight

Watching his see saw path until night

Sending a dove forth in sight times two

She returned with an olive branch in lieu


Of God’s furious waters given there due

TheArkhad made its voyage a new

Coming to rest on the tops ofMount Ararat

They disembarked all animals in fact


Wild animals made and slithered their way

Noah, sons and wives proudly displayed

An Altar for God Yahweh they Praised

His world was theirs to reap and to play


© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins December 4, 2012 @ 4:59 AM EST

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