Behold, You desire true sincerity; and secretly You teach me wisdom. Psalm 51:8

Categories: Wig's Word of God Today- Scripture Discernment and Poetry

Wig’s Word of God Today 1-27-2012


Behold, You desire true sincerity; and secretly You teach me wisdom. Psalm 51:8


2 Samuel 1:1-17, Psalm 51 & Mark 4:26-34


When we sin against the LORD by any means available, He watches our reactions with a forgiving heart allowing us true repentance if we admit our sin and seek His Truth to overcome our wretchedness. King David’s story is not unlike any of our own when it comes to taking our pleasures of self and acting out against God’s Decrees without thinking of the consequence or trying to cover up the deed with more nonsense. David saw a beautiful married woman and took her for his own ultimately killing her husband by sending him off in battle for selfish sinful reasons.


He was wrong and he knew it calling out to the LORD ultimately in repentance seeking the forgiveness promised in God’s Truth. We experience this daily if we try and cover one lie with another hoping the truth of our sin remains covered but our LORD desires “True Sincerity” and will secretly teach you “His Wisdom” by the effort we place at the Foot of His Son’s Cross. King David relied on the goodness of God to forgive his transgression but we have the Blood of His Son to wipe away our disobedience if only we repent and seek His Truth to live for His Glory. Amen.


We must revive our life to live in accordance with His Truth by thought, action and deed. There are so many ways of doing this and we all must find our own God-given talent to live by as we seek to share the Salvation granted us by the Cross of Christ Jesus. We must practice, pray and preach with “true sincerity” knowing the wisdom He shares with us in our love of loving His Son will be our calling to live in His Truth. Are you being true to God in all sincerity? Maybe there’s something you are doing in darkness that the Light of Christ illuminates that needs to be repaired. God wants “true sincerity” and without it He’ll wait to teach you His Wisdom of faith, charity and love until He finds you calling out to live in His Light of Truth. Amen.


We pray by God, His Son and His Spirit to seek You LORD with true sincerity allowing Your Wisdom to touch our faith, charity and love. We begin our prayers for “40 Days of Life” to overcome the dreadful act of abortion. We pray for the NJ Emmaus Team and candidates of the June Emmaus Retreat. We pray for young man named Brandel Bryant. LORD, I especially ask You to give the Pathak family financial help as they reenter the treatment for their son Jhaysonn’s cancer. LORD, they are in need of Your grace and we pray they receive it. We pray for LIFE FM. We pray for our wives, children, family, friends, and strangers we pray with every day. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.


God Bless His Truth for America,

Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins

Romans 8:28

Spirit led God inspired Christ fed


True Sincerity for His Secret Wisdom- Psalm 51


Have mercy on me LORD

Remove my sin by Your accord

My life hid the truth no more

I repent to seek only You to adore


Evil I have committed

Evil I readily admit

Evil I detest

Evil I forever resist


You desire True Sincerity to see

Secretly teach me wisdom to be

The person of faith, hope and charity

Meager at best to live in tranquility


Create in me a forever clean heart

Renew in me the spirit of a Lark

A humble heart You do not part

Not sacrifice but true sincerity to start


© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins January 27, 2012 @ 5:07 AM

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