Behold, I come to do Your Will, O God. Hebrews 10:7c

Categories: Wig's Word of God Today- Scripture Discernment and Poetry

Wig’s Word of God Today 12-23-2012

Did you come to do His Will?

Whose origin is from of old, from ancient times. He shall take His place as Shepherd by the strength of the LORD, by the majestic Name of the LORD, His God; And they shall dwell securely, for now His greatness shall reach to the ends of the earth: He shall be peace. Micah 5:1d, 3-4a

Behold, I come to do Your Will, O God. Hebrews 10:7c

Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you by the LORD would be fulfilled. Luke 1:45

Micah 5:1-4, Psalm 80, Hebrews 10:5-10 & Luke 1:39-45

Only by years of prayer you WILL ever discover God more fully finding His Will by the practice, prayer and preaching He instills in your heart to accomplish aligning many times with the will of your own desire too thwarting your complete understanding of what you are to do for His Truth. What we want takes us away from what God wants for us for God wants peace while human nature wants chaos. We want to be in everyone’s business relying on envy, pride and gluttony to satisfy our every desire seeking the will of excess and not the Will of God.

By “His greatness” you too are afforded the “peace” He instills in all mankind unless you veer into the conversations of gossip, gander and gorging on people’s lives as people with no couth do when they intentionally collect with people who tell stories instead of people who share God’s Truth. I’ve been there embracing the mirage gathering in front of me as a child of want and not a Child of God.

We think we are living for Him and find we were living for our desires of the heart. I have come to a point in my life where I feel blessed not by the desires of my heart but that of living for God’s Truth by believing “what was spoken” to me by God’s Divine Will of surrender to practice, prayer and preaching. “Behold, I come to do Your Will, O God.” Amen.

We ask in prayer: Dear LORD, we pray today to live for Your Will and not the will of our own. I am praying a constant vigil for my life-long friend Greg Bishop. Please call out his name during your days of praying. Prayers are everlasting for God to give us a sign to lead us home. I’m ready, are you? In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

Yours in Christ,

Thomas Cruz†Wiggins

†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed

Romans 8:28 Genesis 30:1


Give me children or I shall die!- Genesis 30:1


Rachel was jealous

So to speak

God had blessed

Sister Leah with a child’s peak


Rachel gave

Her consent to be

A slave girl’s mate

To give her child a many


Baby’s by her

Love to confer

Baby’s best

Completed her jest


© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins December 23, 2012 @ 4:59 AM EST

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