Wig’s Word of God Today 1-1-2013
Children of God open our hearts to His Son’s Spirit of Truth.
As proof that you are children, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying out, “Abba, Father!” Galatians 4:6
Numbers 6:22-27, Psalm 67, Galatians 4:4-7 & Luke 2:16-21
We don’t’ always understand the proof God instills in our soul that resonates His Spirit but it is an undeniable feeling of enlightenment, engagement and enjoyment as He illuminates your soul, stimulates your being and rests joy on your heart. We can try and denounce it but He comes back when we least expect it coming in the form of a child’s giggle or a dogs wag of its tail usually making what seems to be rough day a not so bad day when we take it all in perspective.
We can’t lose Him or hide from His Truth in as much we try to we perceive explanations, encounters and excitements as some sort of scientific fact denying the very things you hear, taste, feel, smell and see. With God you cannot turn over and go back to sleep like you do when you awaken from the rooster’s crow. With God you can’t drink water over and over again and taste the nothingness of water’s hydration. With God you cannot sense the touch of a loved one without His Spirit massaging your heart.
With God you cannot enjoy the fragrance of an orange tree in bloom without anticipating the vibrant color of fruit He creates for us to tear open with distinct flavors cooling your tongue fragrantly needling your nostril hairs pouring orange liquid to lap up and be nourished in a body craving God’s attention. We become Children of God when we open our hearts to His Son’s Spirit of Truth. Like a child crying for his father Jesus reminds us today to call out to Him in faith, hope and love. “Abba, Father!” Amen.
We ask in prayer: Dear LORD, we pray day 8 of our 12 Days of Christmas giving thanks for sending Your Son’s Spirit into our hearts. God please heal GB. We pray 2013 is a year filled with faith, hope and love. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
Yours in Christ,
Thomas Cruz†Wiggins
†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed†
Romans 8:28 Genesis 39:10
The famine did come after seven years of gorge– Genesis 41
Skipped again the beginning has been
Tiresome but fun another day is done
Joseph is need will soon share and heed
God’s Will and the Truth of life predicted speed
His two years later the Pharaoh does dream
Turmoil rests in his ability to gleam
Joseph was said to interpret slumbers thoughts
No one else could assuredly untie his brains knot
Joseph did come at his kingly request
Explained to him the dream at its best
Joseph detailed the dream to account
Seven years of plenty to come for the count
But seven more will come when there will be none
God tells you to appoint a ruling governor to sum
To collect five percent of all during seven years of gorge
The following seven after the first seven you will be unable to forge
Your five percent saved will be the answer of your LORD
Pharaoh impressed gives Joseph his best
Makes him governor of all the rest
Giving him a ring and a robe
Joseph became the man of the globe
Seven years of plenty was surely the best
Joseph enjoyed the country to test
His prediction true and his love for all the rest
In the hands of God Who completes the fest
Stored grain was Joseph’s food to be adored
The famine did come after seven years of gorge
All would come to his place to get food
His stored grain surely did prove
God’s love can surely seem rude
© Thomas Joe Cruz†Wiggins January 1, 2013 @ 4:18 AM EST
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