America’s Veterans Love for God and Country Our Honor- Luke 17:33

Categories: Wig's Word of God Today- Scripture Discernment and Poetry

Wig’s Word of God Today 11-11-2011


Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses it will save it. Luke 17:33


Wisdom 13:1-9, Psalm 19 & Luke 17:26-37


Our LORD has a special way of protecting those who lose their life for the cause of protecting their God-given rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. While men and women who join the military lose their life to protecting others, anyone can find His Spirit Driven Life in Christ if they are or become Christian Soldiers. What we surrender to Him will protect us in life and in death. The feeling of leaving one’s family, home and country to serve the military as various capacitates of freedom protecting American’s brings strong emotions to the men and women of our Armed Forces. Emotions of losing one’s life for a cause of freedom bring a willingness to die for the right to be free.


I’ll never forget the feeling of being tucked away in a bunk no bigger than a sleeping bag in nights that seemed at the time to go on forever and ever. The muffling sounds of a 325-foot US Naval Fast Frigate moving through the South China Sea soothed your exhausted body from 12 hours on/off rotations. I would read the Bible and toss it in the corner like an old book in a kindergarten classroom. His Word had no meaning but I identified with the feeling of surrender giving my all for freedom’s warm embrace. When I reflect on my selfishness in the Navy, I draw closer the LORD by keeping close to His Word celebrating His Son’s Eternal Redemption.


Today I kiss the Bible if it falls on the floor and I use it to grow in His freedom from sin. No longer does the Word of God become a tossed in the corner or put on a coffee table relic but a vibrant cause to understand God’s Will. In brevity in word I write of a life lost in His Truth to serve the LORD’s Will. In fullness of my love for God I honor our Veterans everyday in prayer as they serve in every capacity of active duty or completed duty. We have helped keep America free to love and serve the LORD. His Blessing is bestowed on those who believe. Share your love of loving Christ and find His blessing too. Amen.


So we ask in prayer: Dear LORD, we pray today as we do everyday for our men and women serving in the US military. We pray to lose our lives to living Your Truth. We pray LORD You will give us a Spirit Driven Life in Christ to always have courage to live as Your Christian Soldier. We say a prayer of thanksgiving for Peter Fusco’s love of You LORD. Bless him and keep him safe. We pray for Andy Nezbith to receive the donor he needs for a new kidney. We pray for a friend of a friend named Kyle who has leukemia. We pray for a young boy named Christian who is battling brain tumors. We pray for the children of the world. We pray for Prayer Points and the need for people everywhere to be thankful to Your mercy. We pray for LIFE FM and its ability to reach countless people to share Your Son’s Gospel. We pray this in the Name of Christ Jesus. Amen.


God Bless His Truth for America,

Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins

Romans 8:28

Spirit led God inspired Christ fed


America’s Veterans Love for God and Country Our Honor- Luke 17:33


Lost for His Truth is something absolute

Protection from fear of death rest on your breath

Especially those who lose their life from what they choose

The military of God’s might will die for His Eternal right to lose


Our military’s fright comes a willingness to die

Not afraid of choosing God’s Eternal freedom ride

A right to be free is His Way of losing your excuse

Not needing to selfishly live in sin of Satan’s evil abuse


We stand on the Word of God in respect and model

Living in its Truth to pray for those who bother

To serve our country’s might in dignity fighting dishonor

Keeping God’s Truth free for all who fight for the Father


America’s Veterans Love for God and Country Our Honor


© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins November 11, 2011 @ 5:17 AM EST


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