Wig’s Word of God Today 6-8-2012
All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that one who belongs to God may be competent, equipped for every good work. Second Timothy 3:16-17
2 Timothy 3:10-17, Psalm 119 & Mark 12:35-37
I can’t stop thinking about what it’ll take to motivate all people to action for the Truth in God’s Word instilling into humanity to rise up against the minority of secular enthusiasts who believe our world should be full of greed, excess and sin. As Americans, we naturally believe we can earn a profit in business, we can pray to our God, we can vote in and out people of office, and we can protest unjust laws seeking to allow the majority to rule.
What I have a hard time understanding, is why people can’t see the turmoil our country has created in this excessive way of living life has done to our children, our families and our communities. When I speak to people in public, I have many who say they are frightened for the first time in their lifetime thinking America is falling into civil unrest because people of faith aren’t going to stand back and allow our country to be destroyed by the beliefs of a secular world. I see more and more people turning to God’s Word for guidance to live a life of protection, purpose, and patience.
As I chatted to a friend in a local coffee shop, I noticed five women come and sit down near us with one of them carrying a Bible. As my friend and I began to part soon thereafter, we held hands praying aloud and I noticed the women were smiling looking over at us. I started to walk away but the LORD turned me around to compliment them on praying in public as well as the importance of coming together as one to accomplish the Will of God for a country feeling the strikes of secular desires.
People of faith everywhere are seeking out His Truth to understand their purpose. What can you do to share the Truth God’s Word instills in Humanity? It is my belief that we must turn to Scripture for guidance. We turn to Scripture for growth. We must turn to God’s Word to acclaim His Glory. For in His Word we find His Way is the only way to faith, hope, and love. Amen.
Please join me in prayer, Dear LORD, we pray today we find guidance in Your Word to guide our homes, communities, nation and the world to live in harmony for Your Glory. We pray for the homeless, the sick and dying and the needs of the USA. I pray LORD my strength in You never waivers. I pray that every man, women and child who reads my study finds Your strength too to come together as One for Your Truth. In Jesus Name I pray. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
Romans 8:28
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed“
Psalm 119 poem from the end to guide
There comes at us a Psalm of David
Longer than any other Biblical guide
His Psalm looks for God’s guidance
This Psalm asks for God’s judgment ride
There are one hundred seventy six verses
Longing for Salvation to be his delight
His tongue sung of His Promise
His lips brought forth God’s right
I have begun this poem from its ending
Psalm 119 to guide us to His Light
Let my cry before you rescue humanity
Let all our ways acknowledge His right
God’s Word instructs us to surrender in His fight
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins June 8, 2012 @ 4:34 AM EST
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