Abraham wife Sarah womb dead faith God retrieved

Categories: Wig's Word of God Today- Scripture Discernment and Poetry

Wigs Word of God Today

Universal Utterings

for March 12, 2016

(Abraham) believed, hoping against hope, that he would become “the father of many nations,” according to what was said, “Thus shall your descendants be.” He did not weaken in faith when he considered his own body as [already] dead (for he was almost a hundred years old) and the dead womb of Sarah. He did not doubt God’s promise in unbelief; rather, he was empowered by faith and gave glory to God and was fully convinced that what he had promised he was also able to do. That is why “it was credited to him as righteousness.” Romans 4:18-22

God is a shield above me saving the upright of heart. Psalm 7:11

The guards answered, “Never before has anyone spoken like this one.” John 7:46

Romans 4:18-22, Psalm 7 & John 7:46

Belief comes and go unless you attach practice to the very core of your daily love of being one with God and His Son by calling out in the spirit in His Word proclaiming prayers of the hope you have by the faith you give to His grace. God wants you to know living in love, faith and hope of Charity no matter your age, arrogance and allusions you must know His grace is ever present convinced fully in His Promise by giving all glory to God First asking for nothing for God knows the Charity of your heart before you even think about the world and it’s unbelief shielded by God for having a heart upright Redeemed.

The womb dead of Abraham’s belief came alive in Truth for he knew what was said was True “and was fully convinced that what God had promised God was also able to do. That is whyit was credited to him as righteousness.” You find yourself drawn to the voices of God to stimulate your soul with an ever constant grace of His Holy Spirit called upon naturally in prayer by proclaiming your practice of living His Word. I know many of you fight the temptations of life disregarding Old Testament guidance that seems to have no meaning in the 21st Century denying the Gospels jumping in and out of fires that sometimes seem to rage out-of-control. History is changing before our very eyes as the respect God brought to knowing right from wrong has now created indifferent feelings of selfishness afraid to know that each fire has meaning for God’s reality in your life. Amen.

Let us pray Lord living convinced is the peace we find daily by Your grace. Prayers for my Family of Goodwill across the world who listen on Roku devices and Closer Walk Media .com people like Olivia Rogers who lives Brisbane, Australia and Day Three of prayers requested by listener Margaret Eubanks for Jill Becker. Prayers for Dr. Cruz†Peluca OHAM. LORD from Romans 4:20 I chant for all families across the world, “(Do) not doubt God’s Promise in unbelief; rather, (be) empowered by faith and (give) glory to God.” In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.

I am a poet obedient to Christ,
Evangelist Thomas Cruz†Wiggins
Spirit led God inspired Christ fed
Ephesians 6:17-20
Romans 4 18 thru 22 Abraham wife Sarah womb dead faith God retrieved
Descendant’s belief nation’s father conceived
Faith weakened not years one hundred believed
Abraham wife Sarah womb dead faith God retrieved
Righteousness him credited obedience convinced received
© Thomas Joe Cruz†Wiggins March 11, 2016 @ 6:13 AM EST


® Universal Utterings is brought to you by God First Ministries, Inc.
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†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed†

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