A Remnant Value instilled by God’s Sabaoth. “A remnant will issue. Yahweh Sabaoth’s jealous love will accomplish this.” Second Kings 19:31a-b

Categories: Wig's Word of God Today- Scripture Discernment and Poetry

Wig’s Word of God Today 6-26-2012


A Remnant Value instilled by God’s Sabaoth.


Let all the kingdoms of the world know that You alone are God, Yahweh. Second Kings 19:19e


A remnant will issue. Yahweh Sabaoth’s jealous love will accomplish this. Second Kings 19:31a-b


Do to others whatever you would have them do to you. Matthew 7:12a


Second Kings 19:9-36, Psalm 48 & Matthew 7:6, 12-14


If you take the word Sabaoth and research it, you will find it means the plural form of “host” or “army.” I would be willing to guess most of us have armies encamped against us all over the place. Armies that are hidden as well as evident in daily a battle we deal with every way possible known to man. We deal with them by smoking. We deal with them by yelling in anger and disrespect. We may deal with them by abusing alcohol and drugs. Fighting our demons is a process of free will acknowledging our denying the belief in God’s Truth. The true belief we can surrender “anything” to Him and Him alone.


When King Hezekiah (what a cool name.) heard he was about to be attacked, He yelled out to God as the leader asking for God to show the world He is God and God Alone. The Yahweh of Humanity’s Idol many people search for in the lure of evil’s flash and flair distracts us today from living a devoted life of faith, charity and love. Its mind-boggling tricks of colors steals our “mojo” of surrender. The self-confidence that allows us to practice, pray and preach for the Glory of God the Father. We can’t hide it if we truly surrender to eliminating the dye of crimson’s fiend from every aspect of our life shielding it from our lineage spores.


It is up to our “Free will” of surrender to live in “God’s Will” of Redemption. Today we are faced more than ever the obvious need to seek out the “Remnant” values our Founding Father’s instilled in the hearts of all Americans to learn and respect the ideas of Religious Freedom. It is a battle our Founding Fathers instilled in all Americans to never create but we are now faced with now.


Their Remnant thoughts, actions and deeds are written into the chemical makeup of all manuscripts ever written here in our country labeled the “Land of the Free.”  A Constitution that gave us a Freedom that is being jeopardized if we as the majority don’t wake up and be a nation of believers who act always to receive the God-given right of Religious Freedom instilled America’s Lineage Evolution.


We all know the broad gate leads to destruction as we have witnessed the broad destruction of our family’s core. The respect our nation built with honesty, service and love has been replaced with deceit, greed and lust. Somehow, someway, we must steer our thoughts, actions and deeds back to the joy of living in Truth. Let us pray my new Emmaus Brothers can find this “Opus Dei” type of feeling every moment of our lives. Opus Dei which means “Work of God” literally translates in the belief that everyday ordinary men and women like you and me can be holy by performing our daily duties with a Christian spirit. Today we celebrate the life of Saint Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer who is the founder of Opus Dei’s surrender of living a life of Christ to accomplish God’s Will. Let us use our Remnant Spirit to create our own armies of love and prayer to drive humanity back to the Narrow Gate of God’s Kingdom. Amen!


Let us pray: Dear God, we pray today to find Your strength to create our own armies of love and prayer to regain our remnant attitude of God’s Holy Truth. We pray for the NJ Emmaus Men and new brothers of Christ’s Divine love to live in this Remnant Spirit of Your Truth to always find faith, hope and love. We continue our prayers for the NC Emmaus Team preparation. We pray for our families, friends and people in need. We pray for Izzy and the poem I wrote for him below. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.


God Bless His Truth for America,

Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins

Romans 8:28

Spirit led God inspired Christ fed


A Disciple of Christ to set people Free- In respect for Izzy M.


The prayer of Jabaez

Opened his talk to feel

God granted him his request

Void of evil in God’s Meal


No knew knowledge to seek

Family and friends to reap

Listening all without grief

Sharing void of Satan’s thief


How do I listen?

Where is He?

Jesus’ wet tears we search

Amongst you everywhere to be


Open your arms to family

Find friends who believe

Spiritual leaders in Truth

Open your heart and soul to conceive


A Disciple of Christ to set people Free


© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins June 26, 2012 @ 9:13 AM EST

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