Wigs Word of God Today 6-27-2013
Leave God’s judgment to His own time not our driven obscenities of bias hidden, opened or obscured. A Day after Matrimony’s Unconditional Pact.
Not everyone who says to Me, ‘LORD, LORD,’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but only the one who does the Will of My Father in Heaven. Matthew 7:21
Genesis 16:1-16, Psalm 106 & Matthew 7:21-29
“The verdict is in” or should I write “the time has come” where every man and woman sees all people (not children) in the United States of America as “equal” in gender for the sake of marriage. We believe marriage is something very holy and is rightfully called a Sacrament while laws now state this right cannot solely be between a man and a woman. Specifically, the Truth in God’s Word tells us the reason for life is the pro creation of humanity by the one-on-one act between and man and a woman while reminding us not to judge the ones around you who struggle with understanding of the Bible’s meaning of this right of a man and a woman to have a child or live together in love.
There will never be a science who says two men or two women can have a child together without another party partaking in some fashion. God talks of Love as what it represents by His Truth that cannot be changed or fashioned into something mere mortals attest to. No, we cannot change scientific fact but we can attest to God’s Truth in love. God has asked us since the beginning of time to love one another “not bullying” or “slandering with belittling words” by a force of intimidation, imagination and infestation of their own thoughts, actions and deeds of being human or Christian. Somewhere the answer dwells in the acceptance of one another’s own desires of the heart void of God by inspection inundated by God’s everlasting connection of Truth.
We want to be ruled by an over fifty-percent decision when God tells us to be one hundred percent with Him in Love for we are all supposed to be acting or should I say living with one another in His Love. I know, it hard not to judge the facts but God implores us to Love no matter the circumstance. Here, God tells us over-and-over again we are not to judge but pray for and Love searching by your thoughts, actions and deeds to prayerfully share faith, hope and love of giving charity undefiled by opinion recognized un-judged by action’s Light. I will love my friends who choose marriage together as same sex couples praying for their conversion as directed by God. I as the Church will never call it holy matrimony. We must leave God’s judgment to His own time not our driven obscenities of bias hidden, opened or obscured. Amen.
We ask in prayer: Dear LORD, we pray to love not judge. Novena prayers Day seven for Tita. Prayers for Dr. Cruz-Peluca. Greg Bishop has our constant prayers. LORD from Psalm 37:1, 27-28, 37, I chant- “Do not be provoked by evildoers; do not envy those who do wrong. Turn from evil and do good that you may be settled forever. For the LORD loves justice and does not abandon the faithful. Observe the person of integrity and mark the upright; Because there is a future for a man of peace.” In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
I am yours in Christ,
Thomas Cruz†Wiggins
†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed†
Ephesians 6:17-20
A Day after Matrimony’s Unconditional Pact– Matthew 7:21-29
LORD, can I come in?
Not everyone can win
Unless My Father’s Will is over sin
Heaven lived here to always begin
Many say look at me
My life did agree
Your Name we freed
Evildoers of greed
Know not My faith
Live in hate
Trying to relate
Hell their date
My Words you listen
Not the luster the glisten
As a Wise man’s mission
House built in recognition
On Rock their no submission
To rains falling with precision
House uncollapsed condition
God’s Truth his rendition
Hear His Words and not lapse
House built in sands grasp
Floods destroy that’s a fact
Authority His Everlasting Words React
A Day after Matrimony’s Unconditional Pact
© Thomas Joe Cruz†Wiggins June 27, 2013 @ 5:57 AM EST
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