Wig’s Word of God Today 6-1-2012
Beloved: The end of all things is at hand. Therefore be serious and sober-minded so that you will be able to pray. First Peter 4:7
Whoever preaches, let it be with the words of God; whoever serves, let it be with the strength that God supplies, so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. First Peter 4:11
Therefore I tell you, all that you ask for in prayer, believe that you will receive it and it shall be yours. When you stand to pray, forgive anyone against whom you have a grievance, so that your heavenly Father may in turn forgive you your transgressions. Mark 11:24-26
First Peter 4:7-13, Psalm 96 & Mark 11:11-26
Can any of us say we’ve made a real surrender to Christ’s Salvation in every way? Do we turn to God’s Word when we feel the pull of sinful pride. Do you assume the “I just look at porn every now-n-then attitude?” My thoughts really don’t wonder that much when I look at a beautiful persons point of view? I’m overworking to sustain my family not realizing I’m driving myself away by assuming a posture of distance to the ones that love me the most- who are the most.
Do we live in a world where everyone believes the “End of all Things is Near” enthralling humanity to live sinless, reckless and out of control? Well, whoever preaches better stick to the Word of God grasping His Truth first forgiving anyone their transgressions preaching the Name of Jesus Christ to be glorified. Amen.
We pray my LORD and my God Your sobering love will keep us serious minded at all times knowing Your are there to give us strength by the Word of Your Heart. We pray for countless people in the St. Louis Men’s Emmaus who we pray for every day. We pray for my Uncle Bob whose sister is my dear mother. We pray for Your Purpose LORD. For in You we acclaim all glory. A prayer of thanksgiving for all those who pray for me as I pray for you. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
Romans 8:28
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed“
For when Glory revealed rejoicers won- First Peter 4:7-13
At hand is the end really near?
First Peter four says to be serious of fear
Sober-minded and able to pray and leer
Intense love of one another each steps each day to peer
In love so intense
Sin can’t ride a fence
We hospitable joyfully rinse
Good Stewards of God’s graceful pence
Fervently preach
The Word to teach
Your True Strength
Glorified by Rank
Of Son to think
Belong Glory to link
His Dominion mink
The Forever and ever brink
Fire and trials will come
Strongly felt not to shun
Rejoicing in sharing His suffering Son
For when Glory revealed rejoicers won
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins June 1, 2012 @ 7:03 PM EST
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