Counsel of Job waited listened stanzas

Wigs Word of God Today Universal Utterings for June 29th, 2015 (Job) said: “In my own nest I shall grow old; I shall multiply years like the phoenix. My root is spread out to the waters; the dew rests by night on my branches. My glory is fresh within me, and my bow is renewed…

Justice pursued father with sight for blind and youth

Wigs Word of God Today Universal Utterings for June 28th, 2015 The young men saw me and withdrew, and the elders rose up and stood; Officials refrained from speaking and covered their mouths with their hands; The voice of the princes was silenced, and their tongues stuck to the roofs of their mouths. The ear…

Wisdom who surely not you unless His Word you knew

Wigs Word of God Today Universal Utterings for June 26, 2015 As for wisdom—where can she be found? Where is the place of understanding? Mortals do not know her path, nor is she to be found in the land of the living. The Deep says, “She is not in me”; and the Sea says, “She…