Universal Utterings®
for November 4, 2023


A Godcast ® brought to you by

God First Ministries, Inc. 501c3




11-04-2023 Romans 11 V-29 God’s gifts irrevocable




The Letter to the Romans Chapter 11 v- 29


29 For the gifts and the call of God are irrevocable.


Isaiah 54:10

10 Though the mountains fall away and the hills be shaken, My love shall never fall away from you nor my covenant of peace be shaken, says the LORD, who has mercy on you.

Numbers 23:19

19 God is not a human being who speaks falsely, nor a mortal, who feels regret.


Paul emphasizes the unchanging nature of God’s gifts and calling. He derives his message of Christ by the prophesies of the Prophets of Old who spoke of the Messiah bringing to Light the Truth of Salvation foretold and completely fulfilled in Scripture such as Isaiah 54:10 above as well as Number 23:19 above. It means that once God has given someone a gift or called them to a specific purpose, He will not take it back or change His mind. God’s gifts and calling are permanent and cannot be revoked. This verse is often used to inspire confidence and reassurance in believers, reminding them that they can trust in God’s promises and His faithfulness to fulfill His plans for their lives. We all get the call maybe more than others but still have this need to talk to God and be reassured that Redemption is real and allows you to live forever. That’s a hard word to embrace, forever, for we only see what the world shows us in earthly ways and not the Heaven of Life Eternal. Today I reach 61-years of living. I still think life has a call of knowing how to be One with Jesus Christ. I have come to realize that the Gate to Heaven is narrow and many are called but few are chosen but I assure you all that once you make the decision to live a life of Christ, then you too will know that “the gifts and the call of God are irrevocable.” “God is not a human being who speaks falsely, nor a mortal, who feels regret.” All guilt will leave you for Salvation is blameless. Amen.


Join me as we pray our daily prayer of forgiveness. The Lord’s Prayer. I am sorry Lord. I believe You died and rose for me. Please forgive me as I forgive others. I share You as my Lord and Savior seeking to live your Will in all things. Prayers for wife Toni and my mother Betty pray for our children especially our two oldest Alexandra & Allen Son in Law Mark Stern; Julian, Gabriel and Jeffrey and our grandchildren Oliver, Julian and Elliott. We pray for those we’ve said we’d pray for and those who’ve asked us to pray for them. We pray for the dying as we do each day Lord give them peace in their last breath. We pray for Holy Mother Church. Our prayers for a friend and his wife for a baby to be born has been answered; she is 26 weeks pregnant with a little boy. Praise God thank You Jesus. In Jesus Precious Blood by His Name we pray. Amen.


I am a poet obedient to Christ,
Catholic Evangelist Thomas Cruz†Wiggins

Practice. Pray. Proclaim. ®
†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed†®
Ephesians 6:17-20


11-04-2023 Romans 11 v-29


**God’s gifts irrevocable**


God’s gifts irrevocable

God’s call everlasting

God’s Salvation inestimable

God’s invitation grasping


© Thomas Joe Cruz†Wiggins

November 4, 2023 @ 04:44 AM EST


® Universal Utterings is brought to you by;

**† God First Ministries, Inc. is a Roman Catholic Lay Ministry not sponsored by The Church but is accepted by the IRS as a Religious Charitable Org. and is exempt from Federal Income Tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations made through PayPal using GodFirstforJesus@gmail.com, mailed to 1350 Aldo Rd. Babson Park, FL 33827, or given to GFM are tax deductible. †**

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