Universal Utterings®
for February 13, 2023
02-13-2023 Matthew Ch 11 v-0710 Jesus taught about John to concede
Gospel of Matthew Ch 11 v- 7 thru 10
7 As they were going off, Jesus began to speak to the crowds about John, “What did you go out to the desert to see? A reed swayed by the wind? 8 Then what did you go out to see? Someone dressed in fine clothing? Those who wear fine clothing are in royal palaces. 9 Then why did you go out? To see a prophet? Yes, I tell you, and more than a prophet. 10 This is the one about whom it is written: ‘Behold, I am sending my messenger ahead of you; he will prepare your way before you.’
Jesus confirmed John was the one our prophets of old spoke about as the man who would go ahead of the Messiah and proclaim He who would save the world. A way prepared before Him arranging the Salvation that would save the world from sin. This is the beginning of a God who walked the earth to show His Power in healing, His Power in overcoming all sin, His ability to take on the sin of all humanity by dying and rising in an eye witness account that can’t be overlooked for He accomplishes every act every prophet ever declared in the prophesies of humanity’s salvation. We cannot overlook this fact that Jesus is recorded fulfilling these prophesies by the miracle of redemption hanging on a Cross and dying then returning to life by the Omnipotence of God the Father Who brought His Son truly Himself to the world to help us see His love, faith and hope of His Mercy and His Grace a daily discussion at Universal Utterings. Amen.
Join me as we pray our daily prayer of forgiveness. I am sorry Lord. I believe You died and rose for me. Please forgive me as I forgive others. I share You as my Lord and Savior seeking to live your Will in all things. Prayers for wife Toni and my mother Betty pray for our children especially our two oldest Alexandra & Allen; Julian, Gabriel and Jeffrey and our grandchildren Oliver, Julian and Elliott. We pray for those we’ve said we’d pray for and those who’ve asked us to pray for them. We pray for the dying as we do each day Lord give them peace in their last breath. Silence for the prayers of others dealing with the war in Ukraine. In the Holy Spirit we pray our brothers in Kairos especially a prayer for our men in blue. We pray for Holy Mother Church. We pray for our Holy Mother in the name of Louie. Daily prayers for our neighbor Thelma. Prayers for a friend and his wife for a baby to be born. In Jesus Precious Blood by His Name we pray. Amen.
I am a poet obedient to Christ,
Evangelist Thomas Cruz†Wiggins
Practice. Pray. Proclaim. ®
†Spirit led God inspired Christ fed†®
Ephesians 6:17-20
02-13-2023 Matthew Gospel Ch 11 v-0710
**Written about this messenger was he**
Off going were they
Jesus taught about John to concede
See what in desert said He
A wind swayed reed
See what in desert said He
Clothing fine dressed man
Palaces royal have these capris
Out go why for a desert scan
Prophet see and conceive
More than a prophet to see
Written about this messenger was he
Sent ahead way prepare for the Messiah to believe
© Thomas Joe Cruz†Wiggins
February 13, 2023 @ 4:11 AM EST
® Universal Utterings is brought to you by;
**† God First Ministries, Inc. is accepted by the IRS as a Religious Charitable Org. and is exempt from Federal Income Tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Donations made through PayPal using GodFirstforJesus@gmail.com, mailed to 1350 Aldo Rd. Babson Park, FL 33827, or given to GFM are tax deductible. †**
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