At the judgment the men of Nineveh will arise with this generation and condemn it, because at the preaching of Jonah they repented, and there is something greater than Jonah here. Luke 11:32

Wig’s Word of God Today 2-29-2012   Who knows? God may again repent and turn from his blazing wrath, so that we will not perish. Jonah 3:9   At the judgment the men of Nineveh will arise with this generation and condemn it, because at the preaching of Jonah they repented, and there is something…

Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the Foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave Me food, I was thirsty and you gave Me drink, a stranger and you welcomed Me, naked and you clothed Me, ill and you cared for Me, in prison and you visited Me. Matthew 25:34c-36

Wig’s Word of God Today 2-27-2012   Take no revenge and cherish no grudge against your own people. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD. Leviticus 19:18   Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the Foundation of the world. For I was…