Wig’s Word of God Today 11-4-2011
In Christ Jesus, then, I have reason to boast in what pertains to God. Romans 15:17
Romans 15:14-21, Psalm 98 & Luke 16:1-8
Today I choose to serve the One and only True God and the Joy His Son brought to the world by dying on a Cross for the sins of the world for all Eternity. I have reason to boast of this relationship I choose to have as whole person in action for the Glory of God the Father. I must will my own life to align with His Desires for me by my faith, prayer and deed and not even a birthday of my self will cause me to steer off course for the Truth to be lived in my life. Today my birthday prayer is someone out there receive your Christ-like smile. Today my birthday prayer is for someone out there to see your faith in action. Today on my 49th birthday I plan on hugging and praying with a Brother in Christ. Today my prayer is that God’s Spirit will touch your life and make you a Christian of action for the Salvation of Souls. Amen.
I pray today each and every one of you who read my study to openly declare to God, “I will serve You LORD with all my heart and soul. I will be faithful to You.” There is no reason to worry about what anyone else thinks are does but yourself and openly declare your love of Christ Jesus. Raise your arms to heaven and repeat, “I will serve You LORD with all my heart and soul. I will be faithful to You.” He’s waiting on you to commit fully and surrender all to His Way. Will your life to be faithful to His Word and live in action seeking to sow seeds of harvest and immediately see His rewards. Your choice must be a deliberate resolve to accomplish the Will of God. Scripture reminds us that we are not confer with flesh and blood to give our all to Him but our listen to our own heart to fulfill the joy of loving our love of Christ Jesus. Amen.
So we ask in prayer: Dear LORD, we pray today to boast of God in faith, charity and love and give ourselves completely to Your Call of Redemption. We ask LORD for courage to accomplish the hard work of helping and praying for the less fortunate and we are asking LORD for You to guide our every thought and action. We continue our prayer for Greg I. and Tim D. to find Your Way in prayer for their needs. We pray for the children of the world to know Your love and to understand respect. We pray for the mothers and fathers of the world to know their children’s love and respect. We pray for Prayer Points to show people a way to help their neighborhood, their nation and our world. We pray this in Jesus Name. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
Romans 8:28
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed“
Will Value His Words of Redemption Grace- Romans 15:14-21
Your goodness has be proven
By your faith in Word and deed
Your minds are filled with knowledge
Of Christ’s Salvation to share and breed
Boldly I write to you to remind you of His space
His love you will envelope by thinking of His Face
Be a priestly servant of the Gospel of God in fate
An offering acceptable for all to live and to relate
Your work for Him completely sanctified
The Holy Spirit’s Truth to taste
The Body and Blood of Jesus Christ
Will be humanity’s food of fate
Through signs of power and wonder
The Spirit of God to embrace
Those who have never been told
Will Value His Words of Redemption Grace
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins November 4, 2011 @ 4:58 AM EST
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