Wig’s Word of God Today 2-12-2012
So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31
Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ. 1 Corinthians 11:1
Leviticus 13:1-2, 44-46, Psalm 32, 1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1 & Mark 1:40-45
Once again, God is moved with pity and cleanses a man with leprosy by allowing His Only Son to lay claim to the wonders and power as our LORD Jesus Christ. “I do will it. Be made clean.” Mark 1:41 Jesus reversed the thought process by which humanity was to approach one another just as Paul explains today in One Corinthians by doing everything for the Glory of God. Jesus did everything for the Father’s glory giving us an example to follow as did Paul by telling us to be an imitator of His Truth. “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ.” 1 Corinthians 11:1 Jesus tells us in John 14:12, “Amen, amen, I say to you, whoever believes in me will do the works that I do.” I don’t think it’s arrogant to say I can imitate Christ for the Bible tells me to strive for righteousness as imitators of the Way in charitable poverty emptying one’s self of attachments accepting His Will in the riches of Salvation itself.
The Book of Truth supports a Truth hard to deny but we are warned that the love of attachments in wealth and material possessions sinfully lures you away but I implore you to use your wealth for the common good. What is given to God for God’s purpose becomes a Oneness rested in God’s Providential embrace afforded to all. I’m not saying don’t enjoy the fruits of your labor- I’m saying share them to the extent of God’s Will. The Bible warns us in 1 Timothy 6:10-11, “For the love of money is the root of all evils, and some people in their desire for it have strayed from the faith and have pierced themselves with many pains. But you, man of God, avoid all this. Instead, pursue righteousness, devotion, faith, love, patience, and gentleness.” Seek peace to sow peace and “the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace for those who cultivate peace.” James 3:18 The fruit of righteousness awaits us by doing God’s Will.
As I seek to mirror the desires of God’s heart for me, I’m actively seeking people to begin a process of healing in America that one way another has to begin the process of repair and acceptance. I’m not saying agree with any secular stance but to embrace God’s call to be nonjudgmental and seek a common desire of harmony. In my eyes, it begins with the children and young adults. Yesterday I met four young people at the One Conference where I had made my way with my Prayer Point sign (Stop and Pray for the USA) to the top of the steps of the entrance.
As I stood and kneeled in prayer, the wind whipped Old Glory above until these four young people came over and prayed with me. In tears, I thanked God and prayed then listened to their prayers giving their all to “Father God.” As volunteers, these young people are living the future of Christ. As they walked away, I got down on my knees and thanked God openly in praise in a double-kneed Tebow sort of way as the biggest man I’ve ever seen walked up to me. Well, he was sort of the biggest man I’ve ever seen but he asked me to leave which startled me for I wasn’t passing out anything or yelling- I was in silent prayer holding a sign promoting prayer for America. I didn’t argue for God led me away talking with a Veteran and praying again on my way off the steps. I thank God for protecting me and giving me the sense to follow His Spirit home. Amen.
We pray by God, His Son and His Spirit to be true imitators of Your Son for Your glory LORD. Prayers for the lost beautiful voice and soul of Whitney Houston. We continue our Novena of prayers for Robert M. in NJ. We pray for healing in faith, hope and love of the United States of America. We pray for “40 Days of Life” to close abortion clinics. We pray for the Emmaus Team in NJ. We pray for LIFE FM. We pray for our spouses, children, family, friends, and the unknown Christ-like people we pray with every day. In Jesus Name we pray. Amen.
God Bless His Truth for America,
Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins
Romans 8:28
“Spirit led God inspired Christ fed“
If you wish LORD You can make me clean- Mark 1:40-45
He kneeled before Him asking to be healed
Leprosy had ripped his ability to shield
If you wish LORD You can make me clean
My faith in You will reclaim my self-esteem
Our LORD was moved with pity touching him
Saying, “I do Will it, be made clean”
The sores immediately left him
His love of life Redeemed
Say not a word to a soul
Came Christ’s answer to know
Show yourself to a priest
Before celebrating a big feast
His proof already told
He ran and shouted so bold
Left to the imagination to see
Shouts of joy to be free
The man went far and wide
Jesus was known at every ride
He remained in deserted places
People kept coming seeking graces
If you wish LORD You can make me clean
© Thomas Joe Cruz-Wiggins February 11, 2012 @ 4:55 AM EST
Thank you St. Jude and Mother Mary!I’ve been on two different kinds of eoticadimn for two different infections during the course of this entire novena to St. Jude. I am immuno-suppressed and yesterday the doctor delivered the dreary news to me that he was certain that both infections remained and that I would have to be on these eoticadimns for the rest of my life to prevent them. To confirm his suspicion, he did two cultures.Today after Mass, on the feast of St. Jude, I went before the Marian Shrine to light a candle and to pray that the two cultures would both be negative for infection of any kind. When I returned home from Church, there was a message on my answering machine from my nurse ~ saying that both cultures were completely negative for infection! All praise and glory to God through His Holy Mother and St. Jude!!With love and thanksgiving in my heart,Sue